In Come Down, Lord Pastor Roger Ellsworth provides a thoroughly Biblical understanding of revival as well as a heartwarming exposition of Isaiah 63:3-64:12 that will stir us to seek God for revival.
Luke 14:27 – Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.
Here you will find activities and information that promotes growth in our personal relationship with Jesus Christ and our journey of discipleship.
In Come Down, Lord Pastor Roger Ellsworth provides a thoroughly Biblical understanding of revival as well as a heartwarming exposition of Isaiah 63:3-64:12 that will stir us to seek God for revival.
God in the Whirlwind is an excellent look into God’s love and identifies some significant contemporary issues facing the church which will allow us to see just how controlled by God’s love we really are.
Jerry explores the idea that we have created a sliding scale where sin is concerned. That we have allowed certain sins be become tolerable. In Respectable Sins he guides us, through scriptural truth, into identifying and facing the challenge of these sins.
We are called to walk like our Master, but is contemporary Christianity merely verbalizing this without realizing the calling and cost to do so?
Written with great pastoral care and rooted in sound Biblical truth, Running Scared encourages the reader with real, practical, and godly applications to combat the daily fears we encounter.
In a troubled age, Mack writes with compassion and conviction to Christians enslaved by circumstances which engulf them with debilitating emotions and skewed perspectives about how God deals with His children.