Thank you for visiting the Quidnessett Baptist Church recommended reading list. We have selected books which we believe will be of great value to your spiritual growth and welcomed additions to your libraries.
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TAKE UP AND READ As Milton Vincent, the author, states, “God did not give us His gospel just so we could embrace it and be converted. Actually, He offers it to us every day as a gift that keeps on giving us everything we need for life and godliness. The wise believer learns this truth…
TAKE UP AND READ The recommended book for December is fitting as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is entitled The Glorious Christ: Meditations on His Person, Work, and Love by Kris Lundgaard, published by P&R Publishing, and is 196 pages long. This book contains a wonderful selection of poems…
TAKE UP AND READ Our recommended book for the month of October is a new book that would be great as an evangelistic tool as well as edification of any believer. The title is 100 Proofs that Jesus is God by Curt D. Daniel. Pastor Daniel offers 100 biblical proofs that Jesus is God. It…
TAKE UP AND READ: Our recommended book for the month of September is a good read on something every Christian struggles with at times in their walk with the Lord – doubt. Philip Ryken has written a very helpful book titled “I Have My Doubts: How God can use Your Uncertainty to reawaken your faith.”…
TAKE UP AND READ. Our church family’s book for the month recommendation for August 2024 is titled Joy in Dark Places by Thomas Parr, published by Reformation Heritage Books, paperback, 167 pages. This is an excellent book helping us understand and apply the joy of the Lord in a fallen world. Parr introduces his book with these…
TAKE UP AND READ: Our recommended book for the month of July is a Christian classic titled SPIRITUAL DEPRESSION: ITS CAUSES AND CURE by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. This is one of those Christian classics every believer should read and re-read. The “Doctor”, as he was known, preached a series of 21 sermons in 1954 on…