Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Thought of the day—

Life is hard, at times overwhelmingly hard. In those times, we must remember, that God is sovereign, His promises are sure, His grace is sufficient, His love is constant, His purposes for us are good, and His faithfulness is unwavering. To get our hearts off life's difficulties and place them on the always good and wise God is the key to living with joy in our pain and gladly submitting to His will unfolding in our lives. (John 16:33; Romans 8:28).

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The Glory to be Revealed – Part 2

This Lord’s Day morning, Pastor Jim continues our journey through the New Testament book of Romans. We will be back in Romans 8:18 and the glory the Apostle Paul states is to be revealed to Christian that is not worthy to be compared to the sufferings in this world. The first aspect of this glory is in the Person of our Lord Jesus.

The Courageous Christian

This Lord’s Day evening, Pastor Jim takes us to look at a model believer in the Old Testament character, Joshua, who exhibits courage in trying times and a fearful world. From his example, we see how God gives us all we need not live in the spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind; all qualities in the courageous believer.

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