Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ



Luke 14:27 – Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.

Here you will find activities and information that promotes growth in our personal relationship with Jesus Christ and our journey of discipleship.

What Might Happen?

Imagine this scenario and I will use me as the example. It is Sunday morning about 11:00 a.m. I am mounting the platform getting ready to preach. As is the custom in my church, I have you stand for the reading of the scripture. As you are standing, I say, “Brothers and sisters. I had a rough week. I was snappy with my wife, irritated over some situations in my life causing me to complain. My personal quiet time has been hit and miss, more miss than hit… What would you think of me after such a brutal display of my innermost struggles of the past week?

The Attractive Christian

Nothing is more attractive to a hurting world seeking truth, purpose, and comfort than a Christian who lives to model Jesus Christ, not primarily in actions, but in character. Get the character or heart right toward Christ and actions always follow. There is something irresistible about a believer exuding the spiritual qualities found in Jesus. They are magnetic, encouraging, and open up many opportunities to proclaim Him.

Representing Our Lord Jesus

The story is told of Gordon Maxwell, missionary to India, that when he asked a Hindu scholar to teach him the language, the Hindu replied: “No Sahib, I will not teach you my language. You would make me a Christian.” Gordon Maxwell replied, “You misunderstand me. I am simply asking you to teach me your language.” Again the Hindu responded, “No, Sahib, I will not teach you. No man can live with you and not become a Christian.”

The Most Damaging Weapon In The World

In today’s scripture, we find the most damaging weapon in the world. It isn’t found in the militaries of the world’s superpowers. Nor is it contained in a nuclear missile hidden in a secret silo somewhere. The most damaging weapon lies in our mouth. It is that little piece of cartilage called the “tongue.”

Engraved In The Palms Of His Hands

Isaiah 49:16 – Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands; your walls are continually before me. THEME OF THE DAY: ENGRAVED IN THE PALMS OF HIS HANDS. Please go back and read today’s scripture. Notice what it doesn’t say. It doesn’t read, “Behold, I have put you in the palms of My hands written with dissolvable ink.” Nor…

He Knows. He Feels. He Cares.

The incarnation of the Lord Jesus is a staggering truth. As Christians we affirm that God became a man and lived among us. Without the incarnation, there is no crucifixion; without the crucifixion, there is no resurrection; and without the resurrection, there is no salvation. But it is easy to keep it wrapped up in our minds and lives only to be opened at Christmas.