Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Job: Building a Theology of Suffering

Enter Elihu: His Role, Rebukes, Relevance – Part 1

This Lord’s Day, we continue our journey through the Old Testament book of Job meeting the last of the human participants in Job’s story – Elihu. He offers four extensive speeches that are both correctional to Job and his friends as well as beautiful descriptions defending God’s character by proclaiming God’s truth of Himself.

Job’s Final Words: Summary and Defense

This Lord’s Day, we continue our journey through the Old Testament book of Job finding ourselves listing to his summary statement of his life and final words. He will model for us a believer who is transparent in sharing his life while emphasizing his commitment to a life of blameless and holy conduct before his watching God and the world.

Job’s Collective Speech To His Friends

This Lord’s Day, we continue our journey through the Old Testament book of Job finding ourselves in a significant transition period. Job’s friends have finished their speeches, and now Job speaks to all of them. In this section, we find a model of perseverance in Job as well as the wise teacher pointing us to the true and only source of wisdom and understanding.

Bildad’s Third Speech – Job’s Response – Part 2

This Lord’s Day, we return to our journey through the Old Testament book of Job finding ourselves in the last cycle of speeches between Job’s friends and himself. In this speech, we hear the shortest of all the speeches from Job’s friend offering no hope and Job’s response which is a wonderful proclamation of the majestic sovereignty of our God.