Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Job’s Response to Zophar: The Defenses are Up

Job 12-14

A. Job to his friends: Confused & Comfortless You Are

1. Job exposes their blindness

a. Their theology is flawed: Job 12:1-6

b. Their ability to discernment is absent: Job 12:7-10

c. Their knowledge of God is shallow: Job 12:13-25, John 17:3

2. Job exposes their hypocrisy

a. Their lack of truthfulness: Job 13:4, Ps. 51:6, Eph. 4:25, John 8:44

b. Their lack of love: Job 13:3, Ps. 142:3-4, Matt. 24:12, 1 Cor. 13:1-4, 4-8

3. Job exposes their arrogance

a. As spokesman for God: Job 13:7-10

b. In lacking reverence for God: Job 13:11-12, Hebrews 12:28-29