Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Setting Our Sights on Heaven

Why Its Hard and Why Its Worth It

As the leaves fall, nights get chilly, and autumn settles in, it’s time for our seasonal book recommendation for your encouragement and growth in the Lord. This fall’s selection is titled “SETTING OUR SIGHTS ON HEAVEN: WHY ITS HARD AND WHY ITS WORTH IT.”  It is a paperback consisting of 194 pages and published by Banner of Truth. The author is Paul D. Wolfe who currently serves as Associate Pastor of New Hope Presbyterian Church in Fairfax, Virginia.

The book is timely for the days in which we live for a couple of reasons. First, people are afraid in an increasingly fearful world and are asking questions about death and spirituality. This opens up many opportunities for Christians to talk about life after death and the hope of heaven found in Christ. Another reason why this book is relevant is because Christians are commanded “To set our minds and affections on things above not on things of the earth” (Colossians 3:1-4). And Pastor Wolfe gives us a great Biblical tool to help us obey this command.

 As one reads this book, it will not only create a deeper longing for heaven, but it has transformational power for daily Christian living. Sinclair Ferguson wrote in the forward, “It is rare to find a book like this one. And, truth to tell, many books of this genre fail to produce in their readers what a true sense of heaven always does – a heavenly-mindedness that pervades the whole of life, fills the heart with love for Christ, and transforms a person’s character as they set their sights on heaven.”

Get this book, read this book, and meditate often on heaven. It will help us live the truth that the more we focus on the Lord and heaven, the more earthly good we will do for Him and the furtherance of His Kingdom..

In the affection of Christ Jesus,
Pastor Jim

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