Dear QBC Family,
Lord willing, a week from today, we will elect our next president. As obvious to all, this has been a volatile, painful, and certainly demoralizing campaign leaving Christians perplexed, disheartened, even disgusted. In the midst of what we have and are observing, it is important we remember our Lord reigns; that God is sovereign and controls the affairs of all nations to include the rise and fall of leaders. However, such comforting truth does not leave us passive, disengaged, and fatalistic as His people. Just the opposite. It is to draw us to do the most important thing we may do as believers in our church and families; pray; earnestly pray for the Lord’s mercy, for national repentance, and for a renewed and revived church.
This Lord’s Day, we are committing the entire evening service to a time of corporate prayer. It is the last gathering we will have together as the family of God before Tuesday, election day. Our intent is to break out in two groups; men and women and spend the evening seeking the face of the Lord.
If you are not a regular attender to the Sunday night service, I urge you to attend this one and join your brothers and sisters for the most important thing we may do together; seek the face of God in prayer. And consider bringing your family; model before your children what the Lord commands and privileges us do – seek Him. Our faith is passed down one generation to another and the primary means of this pass down is active modeling of what it means to be the church together (Acts 2:42-48)
We will be utilizing the prayers of Ezra and Daniel as our models and direction for this season of corporate prayer. You may want to read them in advance, even pray through them as individuals and families daily (Ezra 9:6-15; Daniel 9:4-19).
And should you feel uncomfortable praying aloud, don’t let that hinder your participation. Silent prayer is often times the most effective prayer.
I hope to see you on the Lord’s Day for this important and special time seeking Him for our country, church, and families.
In the affection of Christ Jesus,
Pastor Jim
Hebrews 10:23