Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Loving One Another

Jesus’ Teaching on Prayer – Part 2

This message concludes the series on “loving one another” with part 2 of Jesus’ instructions on prayer. Acts 2:42 has been our key verse to examine ourselves in light of the practices of the early church – “And they continued steadfast in the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer.” These four practices are essential if we are to love one another and prayer is the fitting conclusion to this time of self-examination as individuals and a church.

Observing the Lord’s Table – Part 7

In this sermon, we are looking at the Lord’s Table and its implications for our individual and church lives. This is part of the continuing series where we are casting of our vision for 2018 “to love one another” and we are doing so by obeying the Scripture mandate to “examine ourselves.”