Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Jim Sole

The Maturing Christian in Fellowship with God

A local church is a community of believers committed to one another in genuine spiritual relationships produced by the Gospel and alive through faithfulness to one another in the Word, prayer, fellowship and breaking of bread. As the Apostle Paul closes out his first letter to the Thessalonian church, he does so emphasizing these relationships. This Lord’s Day, we focus on our relationship with the Lord and particularly the two word command – Rejoice always.

Seeking Revival: Loving People as Jesus Loves – Part 11

This Lord’s Day evening, we continue our series loving as Jesus loved – the chief fruit of revival. We are looking at the descriptions of true love as defined in 1 Corinthians 13 and are landing on the sixth quality and the one causing us the most trouble in loving like the Lord – love does not insist on its own way (the sin of selfishness).

The New Testament Church: Relationships Fostered – Part 4

A local church is a community of believers committed to one another in genuine spiritual relationships produced by the Gospel and alive through faithfulness to one another in the Word, prayer, fellowship and breaking of bread. As the Apostle Paul closes out his first letter to the Thessalonian church, he does so emphasizing these relationships. This Lord’s Day, we focus on how we are to see, treat, and serve another as the sheep of the Lord’s pasture.