Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Dail-in Prayer Meeting

In an effort to continue our emphasis on prayer, we are expanding our opportunities.  We will be using a free telephone conferencing service.  It provides times we may pray together when unable to meet physically together.  In addition, we intend to consider using this service after the Coronavirus crisis has passed to allow those unable to attend physical prayer meetings to be a vital participate in the important ministry of the church – prayer.

This opportunity is not a substitute for physical prayer meetings or scheduled in conflict with them. It is another means to allow those unable to physically attend to pray with brothers and sisters.

We will be starting this new prayer initiative this March 22nd, Lord’s Day evening at 6:00 p.m. and will continue until we are able to resume regular evening services. Ernie and Karen Robillard are the facilitators of this ministry and please feel free to reach out to them for assistance.  Their phone number is 401-295 -0741.

As this unfolds, we will be providing prayer sheets to facilitate our prayer time. If anyone has prayer requests they should email or call the office and we will add them to the prayer sheet accordingly.  And one important note, we want this to be a tool to shepherd one another, grow together in emphasizing the spiritual priorities in prayer (revival, seeking God’s face) and interceding for the tangible needs among us.