MATTHEW 7:7 – Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
What incredible promises, even commands, are found in today’s scripture! Our Lord Jesus opens His heart and basically tells us to “Pray widely, seek diligently, and you will find both answered.” Now obviously this isn’t a “blank check” to just send self-centered petitions to heaven. God is not a “divine genie” or a “divine vending machine” we treat as our servant for self-serving ends. James would tell us You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions (James 4:3). Our asking must be lined up with the will of God, and when that is true, such prayers are answered as Jesus promised. But an important truth is in the verb tenses our Lord uses. They are continual which means we leave the timing of His answers up to Him. We place no demands upon God. That is the sin of presumption as well as disrespect.
So, the theme of today’s nugget . . . what do we ask for? There are many things in accordance with God’s Word that would be suitable answers. We may ask for a greater hatred for sin, more separation from the world, be more faithful to His Word, His church, and His service and a more disciplined life of holiness. Those are just a few we would find acceptable to the Lord in accordance with His will for us. But there is one thing that stands above all and determines everything else in the Christian life. I also believe it is the one thing we may ask of the Lord that brings Him the greatest delight to answer. We find it prayed by David and is to be of the highest priority in the heart and life of every Christian.
Here is the heart of David in prayer asking what is for sure the greatest desire in our Lord’s heart for us – One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple (Psalm 27:4). The man after God’s own heart did not ask for things, riches, fame, comfort, or anything else. He asks for more of the Lord; to gaze upon Him to see His beauty. David knew this is where true life is found; in fellowship with the Lord Jesus, and once we have tasted His goodness, our prayer lives will reflect the experience. And the question, “What do we ask for?” when we read today’s scripture will be – Him, more of Him.
PRAYER: “Father, may my requests to You be first and foremost to know You more to love You more.”
QUOTE: “Yes, we may ask God for things, but the greatest petition is to ask for more of Him.”