JOHN 10:10 – The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
We know it by experience. We often have heard or spoken it. I see it each Lord’s Day as I stand in our pulpit. Here “it” is . . . we are creatures of habit. Each of us has routines in life. I can actually take attendance in church just by observing our congregation because people tend to sit in the same place or area out of habit or routine. And there is nothing wrong with having routines or habits. Yet as it applies to the Christian life there is everything wrong with being routine or executing mindless habits of behavior.
In today’s scripture our Lord promises not a routine life or mindless habitual conduct to describe our lives. He came to give us abundant life, full life, exciting life, vibrant life, and there is nothing routine or dull about the Christian life. Far from it. We will have routines and habits in the Christian life like reading our Bibles, praying, attending church, fellowship with other Christians, and serving the Lord. These are good but they must be kept focused on why we are consistent in spiritual routines and habits – to know the Lord, and in knowing Him, we experience the abundant life He gives.
As creatures of habit, we must understand the danger of being such. We don’t like change. Why? We are creatures of habit that want to avoid the uncomfortableness of upsetting safe routines and habits. Yet, this spirit of “safe” living by “safe” routines and habits is contrary to the Christian life. The Apostle Paul would tell us we are being changed constantly as God works out His plan for His children – conformity to Christ – And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed (changed) into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18).
Living a life of vibrant faith, not dull routines or mindless habits, is challenging for two reasons.
First, God will not allow His children to forfeit the abundant life His Son came to give by letting us live by dull routines and habits. Faith must be tested. An untested faith is an unreliable faith so accept God is in the business of testing our faith to keep us from lukewarm routines and habits. The second reason living a life of vibrant and abundant faith is difficult is we are lazy. Routines and habits are easy. A life of growing faith is not because it requires effort, self-denial, and intentional obedience.
Yes, we are creatures of habits. Yes, it is okay to have routines and habits. It is not okay to live routine lives with habits that resist change. Remember, the Christian life is all about change and that is far from routine!
PRAYER: “Father, may I learn to seek the abundant life Jesus promised.”
QUOTE: “There is nothing routine or dull about the Christian life. The life of sin is routine and dull.”