Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

We Are Overcomers

1 John 4:4 – Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”


THEME OF THE DAY: WE ARE OVERCOMERS.  We live in a dangerous world.  It is filled with all kinds of evil, fears, and uncertainties which create tremendous anxieties and stress in the lives of Christians and non-Christians. Yes, even Christians are not immune from the temptations to worry, fret, and fear the dangers of life in a sin-cursed world under the temporary power of Satan. Test my statement. Have you worried, fretted, been stressed out, or fearful over anything lately?  Have you been in turmoil over a prodigal son or daughter fearful they will not return to the fold of faith?  How about fretting over finances in a tumultuous world of financial instability?  And what about stressing over the pressures of raising children in an increasingly hostile world toward Christianity?   Yes, even the Christian, unless we are living a life of valiant and bold faith in the truth of today’s scripture, we will succumb to the same fears and worries as the non-Christian. But we need not . . . let’s be encouraged by three truths found in the application of today’s scripture.


First, by our union in Christ, we are overcomers in the battle against sin.  There is not one sin we have committed or struggle with which is beyond His power to forgive.  When the Apostle John writes, “If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness”, that means every and all sins (1 John 1:9). Don’t listen to the lies of the devil in his attempts to get you to believe your sin is unpardonable.


Next, by our union in Christ, we are overcomers in the battle against fear and anxiety.  Yes, the world is a fearful place. We may feel the strong temptation to stay in the safe confines of our home and have the groceries delivered; never venturing out in a dark and dangerous world.  Yet, we know that is impossible, but what is possible and certain, is that in Christ, all fear and anxiety may be banished simply by living in conscious awareness of these words, “Fear not, I am with you and will be so till the end of time” (Matthew 28:20; Revelation 1:17). Walk by faith in His promise of constant companionship and we will overcome fear and anxiety.


Finally, by our union in Christ, we are overcomers in the battle of tough circumstances and situations.  Life is hard.  Relationships may be difficult and trying.  There are circumstances and situations trying us with such intensity we often feel like crying, “Lord, I cannot do this anymore.  I cannot handle this any longer.”  Yet, we can and will if we remember these words of conquering power, “My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).


Our Lord Jesus conquered Satan, death, sin and the world.  By virtue of our union in Him, we are partakers of His conquering power.  Exercise faith in this work by Him today. No matter the situation, circumstance, fear or anxiety, we can overcome each in the strength of Him who said, “I have overcome the world.”


PRAYER: “Lord, I praise You for enabling me to overcome all the dangers of living in a sinful world.”


QUOTE: “We overcome in the strength of Christ through the ongoing exercise of faith in Him.”



In the affection of Christ Jesus,


Pastor Jim