Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Do We Believe It? Then Pray Earnestly

2 CHRONICLES 36:15-17 – The Lord, the God of their fathers, sent persistently to them by his messengers, because he had compassion on his people and on his dwelling place. But they kept mocking the messengers of God, despising his words and scoffing at his prophets, until the wrath of the Lord rose against his people, until there was no remedy. Therefore he brought up against them the king of the Chaldeans, who killed their young men with the sword in the house of their sanctuary and had no compassion on young man or virgin, old man or aged. He gave them all into his hand.

THEME OF THE DAY: DO WE BELIEVE IT? THEN PRAY EARNESTLY. So, what do we believe is the only hope for our nation, a nation that has been “shaking its fists” at God for a very long time, a nation that breaks His laws and celebrates such rebellion, a nation that devalues life, a nation that promotes ungodly leadership, and a nation that practices sexual perversion with no shame?

Well, let’s look at what is not our hope – new government leadership in Washington, more education of the masses, greater cries against evil, and anything else that originates with man. There is no remedy, no help, and no reformation from sinful man. We cannot be the solution because we are the problem – the total depravity of humanity assures there is no answer in this world.

In today’s scripture is the slide of Judah away from the Lord. King Josiah, a great king whom God used to bring significant revival and renewal to God’s people, has been killed in battle. And with the godly leadership gone, the drift from the Lord begins. By the way, that is how it works in the church too! Allow for compromising, unholy, and worldly leadership to be in place, and backsliding comes, only to be healed by God sending sweeping revival.

As we read the sad account of Judah’s demise, notice God’s response – the wrath of God rose against His people until there was no remedy. When God is displeased with His people, there is no remedy but Him. Now apply this to us, our nation, the only remedy is God sending revival. I would be safe to say no one reading today’s nugget disagrees, but I would add this . . . do we really believe it? If we say, “Yes”, then I would ask of us, how diligent are we seeking God in prayer to send the only remedy?

Trace the history of revival and we find it always came from heaven through the pleading, begging, and desperate prayers of God’s people. Will we be that type of people? Will we be found in our generation that remnant that sought God to bring a nation to her knees in repentance and restoration? May it be so. May we prove our belief that the only remedy for our country is revival by our seeking the face of God for it.

PRAYER: “Father, please help me to be an intercessor for my nation that is so far from You.”
QUOTE: “If we believe the only hope for our nation is revival and only God gives it, are we praying for it?”