Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Romans: The Gospel Unfolded

The Human Race: Two Identities – In Adam, In Christ

This Lord’s Day morning, Pastor Jim continues our journey in the New Testament book of Romans. In this fifth chapter, the Apostle Paul shows us there are only two identities that define the human race: those in Adam under condemnation and those in Christ under grace leading to no condemnation. By showing us what we were in Adam and now in Christ, the Apostle Paul establishes the wonder and awe of the Gospel leading to a rejoicing life for the Christian.

God’s Accounting: The Positional Blessing from the Gospel Believed

This Lord’s Day morning, Pastor Jim continues our journey through the New Testament book of Romans. Entering chapter four, the Apostle Paul builds on what was taught in chapter 3 – righteousness provided for by God and obtained by faith. He does so by giving two Old Testament examples – Abraham and David.