Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Prayer: The Breath and Lifeblood of the Christian and Christ's Church

A Prayer for Love in Action – Part 2

In this message we enter into our second study of the Apostle Paul’s prayer for the Philippian believers. As we do, our focus has been on the man praying. What made Paul the prayer warrior he was? What moves his heart and shapes his life? Last message, we saw a man who was Christ-centered, Christ-controlled, and Christ-consumed. We will now look into the heart of Paul in his love for the Philippian believers; a love that always leads to praying for others effectively and affectionately.

A Prayer for Love in Action – Part 1

This message continues our journey through the prison prayers of the Apostle Paul by beginning an exploration of Paul’s prayer for the Philippian believers. This prayer is actually an application of knowing Christ’s love from the prayer of Ephesians 3:14-19. In addition, this prayer shows us the mark of genuine love for others; interceding for them with clear purpose and affection. Paul is instructing the Philippian believers and us to put into greater action the love of Christ they are already experiencing.

The Apostle Paul’s Prayer for Experiential Christianity – Part 12

Pastor Jim wraps up our exploration of the prayer of the Apostle Paul found in Ephesians 3:14-19. In this last message, we reach the pinnacle of true Christian life and experience; knowing the love of God that leads to being fully content and satisfied in God.

The Apostle Paul’s Prayer for Experiential Christianity – Part 11

In this message Pastor Jim continues our study in the Prison Prayers of the Apostle Paul. This prayer contains two petitions and the second one is what defines the Christian life and experience – to know the love of Christ in its breadth, length, height, and depth. Should we pray and God answer this prayer, it will be the very essence of a revived church and Christian.

The Apostle Paul’s Prayer for Experiential Christianity – Part 10

A study of the prayers of the Apostle Paul is rich not only in doctrinal truth but practical Christianity. In his second prayer in the letter the Ephesians, the petitions define the high of Christian experience – to know the love of Christ and the fullness of God. In this tenth part in the examination of this prayer, we are looking at the second petition and what is necessary to develop a prayer life putting us in a position to experience the love of Christ and be controlled by this soul-ravishing and life transforming reality.

The Apostle Paul’s Prayer for Experiential Christianity – Part 9

The praying life of the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Ephesians is a goldmine of instruction on true Christian experience. In this ninth part of an examination of Ephesians 3:14-19, Pastor Jim looks at why God strengthens us by His Spirit; to produce a stable Christian life grounded in Christ’s Person and love.