Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Human Suffering, Injustice and the Christian Response

Indications of a Lukewarm Heart

In part eight of our series, we continue looking at the Christian response to what is happening in our world. And the most important response is for the church of Jesus Christ to be the church of Jesus Christ. This is defined as His people living out first love to Him in power and influence. This Lord’s Day, we do the hard work of self-examination to see if we have lost first love and thus offer the world no life-giving hope in the love of Christ.

Loss of First Love Results in a Lukewarm Heart

In part seven of our series, we continue looking at the Christian response to what is happening in our world. And the most important response is for the church of Jesus Christ to be the church of Jesus Christ. This is defined as His people living out first love to Him in power and influence. This Lord’s Day, we do the hard work of self-examination to see if we have lost first love and thus offer the world no life-giving hope in the love of Christ.

Paths to Loss of First Love: Losing the Awe of God’s Word

In part six of our series, we continue looking at the Christian response to what is happening in our world. And the most important aspect of our response is for the church of Jesus Christ to be the church of Jesus Christ. This is defined as His people living out first love to Him in power and influence. This Lord’s Day, we continue looking at the two paths leading to losing first love for Christ – spiritual neglect and mishandling the Word of God by our lack of awe over the Word of God.

Paths to Loss of First Love: Neglect

In part five of our series, we continue looking at the Christian response to what is happening in our world. And the most important aspect of our response is for the church of Jesus Christ to be the church of Jesus Christ defined as His people living out first love to Him in power and influence. This Lord’s Day, we begin the work of self-examination looking at the causes of losing first love for Christ – spiritual neglect and losing the awe of God’s Word.

What is First Love for Christ: The Objects

In part four of our series, we continue looking at the Christian response to what is happening in our world. And the most important and critical response of the hour is for the church of Jesus Christ to be the church of Jesus Christ in the world; His people living out the power and influence of His love or recovering first love for the Lord and people. This Lord’s Day we want to identify the objects of first love – God and people – and be warned of how easy it is to drift into a non-relational Christianity because of loss of first love.

The Marks of Healthy First Love for Christ

In part three of our series, we begin looking at the Christian response. And the most important and critical need of the hour is for the church of Jesus Christ to be the church of Jesus in the world; His people living out the power and influence of His love – something the church at Ephesus had abandoned – first love. This Lord’s Day we want to identify the qualities in the Christian who is living out first love for the Lord Jesus and people.