Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Jim Sole

An Encouraging Word for Discouraging Times

In light of a positive COVID test of a member in our church and the desire for us to be wise and protective, this Lord’s Day service will be live streamed only. We also will take a one week departure from our 1 Thessalonian study to be in one of the most encouraging chapters in the Bible when times are most discouraging – Isaiah 40.

The Ministry God Honors

This Lord’s Day, we continue in the New Testament book of 1 Thessalonians looking at the ministry God honors. In chapter two, the Apostle Paul defends his ministry against slanders and critics but not for his sake, but for Christ, His Gospel, and the spiritual health of the young Thessalonian believers. Here we find a model of our own ministries and how to properly defend it against those who would seek to discredit and damage its Gospel effectiveness.