PROVERBS 10:7 – The memory of the righteous is a blessing, but the name of the wicked will rot.”
THEME OF THE DAY. HOW WILL WE BE REMEMBERED? It is the most important question we may ask ourselves often in life. It goes like this “When the Lord calls me to Himself, I wonder how I am going to be remembered by my family, friends and those who have crossed my path in the course of my life?” It is important because it puts before us the whole reason for our short existence in this world. Each of us is writing the answer to that question each day by our priorities in life. It is called “our legacy” and whether we think about it or not, legacy writing is occurring each moment of our days in front of those who observe us.
In today’s scripture, King Solomon gives us the right type of legacy – righteous – and the result – a blessing to those who witnessed it. So, what are the qualities of a righteous legacy that is a blessing? And how do we ensure our legacy will end up like the one Solomon describes?
First, a sincere walk with the Lord Jesus. Here is the foundation for building a righteous and blessed legacy. Notice I didn’t say “perfect” walk with the Lord Jesus. Those watching us and impacted by us are not looking for the “perfect” Christian, but the sincere Christian. Like the testimony of the Apostle Paul before the Thessalonian believers – You are witnesses, and God also, how holy and righteous and blameless was our conduct toward you believers (1 Thessalonians 2:10). And what does a sincere walk with Jesus look like? No tolerated hypocrisy. We strive to be the 24/7 Christian and when we fail, we are quick to confess. Sincerity is what the Lord looks for and it will ensure a righteous legacy is being built.
Another quality in a righteous legacy is a faithful commitment to what is near and dear the heart of the Lord Jesus – His church. Remember how much the Lord Jesus gave to form His church and the love He has for her – Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish (Ephesians 5:25-27). Friends, the church is God’s chief instrument to reach the lost and grow His children. A sacrificial commitment to serve and participate in her body life is crucial to a righteous legacy. Why? It is God’s will for His children and when His will is obeyed, a righteous legacy is being built.
So, how does one build this type of legacy that will remain impactful in the lives of those we leave behind when we leave this world? It is simple. Not easy, but simple. It is to have the same single passion and pursuit in life as the Apostle Paul – that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death (Philippians 3:10). Strive daily to keep Jesus Christ at the center of our affections, the focus of our minds, and the One we want to please in all speech, actions, and attitudes, and our legacy will be righteous and blessed. May the Lord help us to daily write our legacy that will leave a spiritual impact on all who knew us as we journeyed through life.
PRAYER: “Father, help me to realize each day I live, I am writing my legacy which follows me after I leave this world.”
QUOTE: “How we will be remembered after the Lord calls us to Himself will be determined by how we live each day.”
Because of Him,
Pastor Jim