Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

He Won’t Let Us Drown

ISAIAH 43:2a – When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you.”

THEME OF THE DAY.  HE WON’T LET US DROWN.  Life has been, is, and will be like a roller coaster ride at an amusement park.  There are going to be highs and lows, peaks and valleys, periods of calm and seasons of intense fear.  Such is life in a cursed world turned upside down and wrong side out.  And it will never change so don’t be surprised when we go from a somewhat tranquil life to a life seemingly out of control.  Worst yet, don’t try to seize control and change anything or anyone that might appear to be the cause of this upheaval.  Remember, and always remember, we are in control of no one or nothing.  Nor do we have the omnipotent power to change anyone or anything.  Oh, we might try and foolishly believe a change in “scenery” – like a new job, new location, new environment, new relationship, new church, new whatever is the answer to calm the storms in our lives.  Nope.  Those are externals and life isn’t about externals. It is about the heart.  No matter what we change externally has no power to change where the real battle in life is fought – our hearts.  But moving on . . .

There is another picture about life to ponder today.  It is taken from today’s scripture.  It is the imagery of a raging flood rising upon us and seeking our destruction.  And all of us have felt the “floodwaters of life” seeking to drown us.  It might be a “relational flood” in a family struggling to communicate.  It might be a “co-worker flood” that tries and tries our patience.  It might be a “physical flood” of a medical condition that looms serious making us feel hopeless. It might be a “financial flood” where there is still a lot of month left but not money.  It might be a “what if flood” of fear and stress over what may happen to our children, employment, future safety and welfare.  Whatever it may be, there are two responses to any and all “floods” in our lives.

First, we may succumb to the flood by fretting, worrying, stressing, and losing a lot of sleep over what is happening in our lives.  We may reduce this response down to three words – living in unbelief.  Yes, I know that seems harsh and ‘in your face” but we must call it what it is because God calls it what it is.  Jesus wrote extensively about worry or anxiety over things in life.  Read His Words in Matthew 6:25-34.  Three times our Lord commands us, “Don’t be anxious.”  And should we not address this sin regularly and powerfully, the life of joy, confidence, and peace will evade us.  Our profession of faith in Christ will lack the reality of walking with Christ – the Only One who makes the floodwaters in our lives recede.

The other response when life’s floodwaters come upon us is to cling to the promises of God.  I know you know this, but it is not the knowing Christian who rises above life’s difficulties.  It is the knowing, doing, and clinging Christian who does so.  And in today’s scripture is a “life preserver” for us.  Two promises God makes when we feel like life is drowning us.  He is with us – I will be with you.  This means we have a hand to hold on to.  We are not in the waters alone.  The other promise is life’s floods will not drown us – they shall not overwhelm you.  No matter how it feels, no matter how dim things look, we will endure and overcome.  Hang in there, better yet, hang onto the Creator of floods who said they would not drown us.  And that means He won’t let us drown.  Trust Him.  The floodwaters will recede.

PRAYER: “Father, thank You for putting me in situations beyond my ability to handle so I can learn trust in You.”

QUOTE: “A mature faith in God doesn’t just happen.  It is formed when life is overwhelming us and we trust Him ”

In the affection of Christ Jesus,

Pastor Jim