Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

The Disciple-Making Christian

MATTHEW 28:19-20 – Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

THEME OF THE DAY: THE DISCIPLE-MAKING CHRISTIAN.  The theme of today’s nugget identifies the only type of Christian existing.  Yes, even new believers. Yes, even those who have served long in the church and think retirement is here, time for someone else to fill the gap.  By the way, there is no retirement in making disciples.  It will change in its means and ways but not in the command to all Christians.  I would be as bold as to say, “Many Christians lack the joy of the Lord because they are spiritual consumers only not spiritual investors also.”  What I mean is too many Christians come to church, go to Bible study, maybe even attend a prayer meeting, but are not actively making disciples.  Now to avoid discouragement among the sensitive sheep in Jesus’ pasture, don’t think you have to be a gifted teacher or preacher to make disciples.  The ministry of encouragement, sharing scripture, spending time impacting God’s people with His Word, and other means are part of the discipling process.  The bottom line is this – are we contributing to the health of our churches by active involvement in the lives of God’s people?

As we consider the command of Jesus in today’s scripture, we have to come to grip with three truths if we are to make this command active in our lives.  The first is simply accept, even embrace, the command “go and make disciples” is not for a select few.  We don’t pass this off on paid staff.  It is the responsibility of every believer, and we may never offer any excuse for our disobedience.  And it is easy to do that.  I was once told by a supposedly mature believer these words, “When I get through this season, I will be more available for the Lord and church.”  I admit my heart sank.  There is never a better season for serving the Lord than today.  We don’t know what tomorrow will be.  The issue is not availability. It is obedience.  All Christians must be investing in God’s people in disciple-making.

Another necessary truth and application after obedience is settled is to ensure we are being discipled ourselves; by the Lord and other Christians.  All Christians need relationships with other Christians for spiritual growth.  We have to receive to give.  The person, even preachers, teachers, and pastors, that is always giving, giving, giving, and not invested in for spiritual growth will fall.  They will run dry.  It is true that we cannot give the living waters of the Lord Jesus to others if we are not drinking of Him first and foremost.  Dry spiritual wells offer no living water (John 7:37-39).

Finally, we actually disciple someone.  Take the initiative.  Perhaps start in our families because that is where discipleship begins. Look around in our churches.  Ask the Lord to give you a relationship with another believer for the purpose of discipleship, and when He does, run with it.  All you need is someone willing to be spiritually invested in, Bibles, and commitment by both of you to spiritually invest in one another. If this type of relationship forms, you will enter into one of the most rewarding experiences a Christian will ever know – disiciple-making.

PRAYER: “Father, help me see I am not only to be a disciple, but make disciples investing in Your people.”

QUOTE: “We cannot be growing as a disciple without obeying the command to make disciples.”

In the affection of Christ Jesus,

Pastor Jim