2 CORINTHIANS 5:10 – For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.”
THEME OF THE DAY: BE FOUND AT OUR POSTS. How often this week has the thought of the Day of Judgment crossed our minds? Probably not much. Life easily gets in the way of such thinking. If that applies, we need to rethink our thinking! King Solomon would end the most important book in the Bible about the proper perspective and purpose of our lives on earth. It is called Ecclesiastes and ponder its conclusion – The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). All of life might be summarized like this, “Fear God, obey Him, and live for Judgment Day.” There it is. Let each day go through those three filters.
In thinking of Judgment Day, let’s ask this question, “Is there anything I will need to change about my schedule if I know by the end of today, I will be standing before the Lord Jesus for Judgment?’ The healthy Christian responds, “No, I am already orienting my life around the spiritual and eternal. Jesus’ honor is the end goal of all I will do today.” If we need to change some things around, we need to do more than change some things around. We need to get our heart lined up with the Lord’s. Or like the State Councilman in the following true story:
It happened over two centuries ago. A deep darkness settled over New England. Cows went to their barns. Chickens went to roost. The people were terrified. Many fell on their knees, believing that the day of judgment had come. In Hartford, Connecticut, the State Council was in session. One member proposed a motion to adjourn. All were frightened except one – Abraham Davenport He said, “I object to the motion. If this is the Day of Judgment I want to be found at my post of duty. I move that candles be brought in and that we proceed with the business at hand.” Here was a man who got it right! He knew his responsibility and would not be hindered. And it is the same for us. Life is short. Judgment is certain. Live accordingly.
A good practice to incorporate in our daily lives is to think often on the Judgment Seat of Christ, not to be afraid but wise. The Apostle Paul would define a wise person in his letter to the Ephesians – Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:15-16). And who is wise? The one making the best use of time. On the Day of Judgment, every detail, to include every minute of our time whether public or private, will be scrutinized by the Lord Jesus, and nothing will be omitted. Let the seriousness of such accountability cause us to be good stewards of the only life we have by not wasting our time and resources on the foolish pursuits and pleasures of a sinful and fleeting world.
PRAYER: “Father, impress upon my heart and mind the fast-approaching eternity and the fleeting nature of this world.”
QUOTE: “The wise Christian invests their time and resources in the eternal and spiritual, not the temporal and physical.”
In the affection of Christ Jesus,
Pastor Jim