Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Investing Our Most Valuable Resource

EPHESIANS 5:15–16 – Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.”


THEME OF THE DAY:  INVESTING OUR MOST VALUABLE RESOURCE.  Apart from our salvation, the most valuable resource God has given to us in mentioned in today’s scripture with one word – time.  Not only is it our most valuable resource apart from being redeemed, it knows no partiality.  Each of us is given the same amount of time each day -24 hours. Granted, we don’t know the length of our time on earth but for each day the Lord gives us, the distribution of the quantity of time is equal. But there is a difference between each of us when it comes to  how we use the time. The Apostle Paul identifies this difference in the closing of today’s scripture – making the best use of the time because the days are evil.


When it comes to making the best use of time, the obvious model, as He is in all things, is the Lord Jesus.  Observe the life of our Lord during His three and a half-year public ministry.  Would we say Jesus was busy?  Extremely.  Would we say He was in hurry?  Never. Did He waste time? Impossible.  The One who created time was the Perfect user of time. And yes, I get it.  Jesus was God. We are not.  We cannot possibly follow His Perfect model of time use.  However, we can follow His example concerning time in one area: its investment.  In fact, we are commanded to do so.


In reading the Gospels, where did Jesus invest His time?  What was His priority that shaped all He did with His time, finite time, on earth?  The answer is not really a “where” or “what” but “who”.  Jesus invested His time in people.  Particularly, He committed Himself to His disciples, but He extended Himself to the sick, the lame, the lonely, the hurting, the outcast, and all who were weary and heavy-laden with sin.  Jesus was all about people.  And if we claim to be His followers, then the chief investment of our time must be like that of our Master – in people.


What does it mean to invest in people?  It goes beyond simply attending church together, participating in a group Bible study, or even enjoying social time together outside of church. Those things matter but to be investing in people it means intentional acts of obedience in living out the one another commands toward other Christians.  Speaking of, do we know how many such commands exist in the New Testament? Approximately 59 and they direct us on how and how not to have healthy relationships with other Christians.  Now, think about this with me.  If God felt it was so important to put that many one another commands in His Word, it behooves us to make them active in our lives.  Allow me to recommend these two things.  First, study all the one another commands in scripture.  Then, prayerfully act upon at least one each day of the week.  In doing so, we would be investing our most valuable resource, time, in what matters most – people.


PRAYER: “Father, help me to use my most valuable resource in life, time, for Your glory.”


QUOTE: “God gives each of us the same amount of time to invest in the same priority – His will.”


In the affection of Christ Jesus,


Pastor Jim