Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

The Attractiveness of Christ

PROVERBS 3:3-4 – Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man.”

There is so much one might say about the attractiveness of the Lord Jesus. After everything has been said, there is still much much more to say. Throughout eternity, it will be our estimable privilege to behold the beauty of our King. Yet, this side of heaven, two glorious truths of our Savior stand out that enamor the hearts of His people, promote their love for Him, and when beheld in Word and prayer, transform us into His image sending forth a powerful, attractive, and genuine witness of His Person. And remember, it is this beholding that is the path and means of spiritual growth toward Christ likeness. The Apostle Paul tells us “We all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18). Now from today’s scripture, those two glorious truths of our Savior revealing His attractiveness . . .

The Lord Jesus radiates the attractive beauty by His steadfast love. We are not loved like a person picking the petals off a daisy–“He loves me, He loves me not. He loves me, He loves me not”–hoping the last pick off the flower is in our favor! No, we are loved by the Lord with an unchanging love, an eternal love, a thorough love, a complete love, and a love that will hold us fast now and forever! Take time soon and read Psalm 136. All of it. All twenty-six verses. Do so in various translations. Every verse includes proclamation of God’s steadfast love, His loving-kindness, His mercy. If we ever felt tempted to doubt the steadfast love of the Lord, run and hide in Psalm 136. He makes it clear we are loved by Him with a steadfast love.

Next, the Lord Jesus shows forth His holy attractiveness by His faithfulness. Aren’t we so glad the security of our salvation, forgiveness of sins, and successful running the race and fighting the good fight of faith is not dependent on our faithfulness? If anything in the Christian life rested on our faithfulness, we are finished, and this would be the last daily nugget I ever write! We rest exclusively on the faithfulness of the Lord to keep His promises and fulfill His New Covenant to us. And praise His name! He is faithful, not sometimes, but all the time and for all time. How attractive that is to us timid sheep who struggle at times with faithfulness!

The attractiveness of the Lord Jesus. Have we beheld it recently in His Word, prayer, and our churches? He is ready to reveal it to us through His steadfast love and faithfulness. Don’t be so busy and distracted that we miss His many invitations for us to “Behold our God” in the beauty and attractiveness of His holy Person (Isaiah 40:9; Psalm 29:2).

PRAYER: “Father, allow me to behold the beauty of Your Son’s steadfast love and faithfulness.”

QUOTE: “The more we behold the Son the more we become like the Son in love and faithfulness.”

Because of Him,

Pastor Jim