PSALM 105:4 – Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!”
Isn’t it interesting, and even thrilling to the soul, to ponder God’s command in His Word to seek Him? How loving it is of God to direct us to obey His commands knowing that in doing so we find all we need for life – strength, purpose, satisfaction, and contentment! Yet, true to our nature as sheep, we drift away from Him. We look outside the safe pastures of His commands to the forbidden meadows of disobedience found in pursuing fleshly passions, worldly attractions, and listening to the devil’s lies. As easily led astray lambs, we think the “grass is greener” on the other side of the fence of God’s boundaries found in His commands. And should we follow such foolishness, we will painfully experience the price of such disobedience. But we will also learn the love of God is revealed in the giving of His commands. They are for our good, not only to keep us close to Him, but obedience is the path to strength for living life and for purpose, satisfaction, contentment in life. That leads us to the call to obey the two commands in today’s scripture.
First, God commands us to seek Him for the necessary strength for living a life pleasing to Him–Seek the Lord and His strength. Friends, life is too hard on our own, and the Christian life more so. We need constant power outside of ourselves, and God graciously offers it to us . . . if we seek it. As the energy-zapping difficulties in life come upon us, intensify our seeking of the Lord’s strength through prayer and His Word. In obeying the command to seek Him by His means–prayer and the Word-we receive the blessing of strength; His daily strength for the dangerous and exhausting journey called “The Christian Life.”
The second command, as an expression of God’s love to us, is to seek His presence continually. Here and only here is where we discover and enjoy true purpose, satisfaction, and contentment in life. Why? Allow David, the Psalmist, to provide the answer – You make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11). What is found in the Lord’s presence ?Fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore. In those are all a human being needs for purpose, satisfaction, and contentment. No other pursuit or person fulfills those yearnings of the human heart. And they are available for the Christian who obeys the command to seek His presence continually!
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. He also so loved His people that He gave them commands to obey knowing in our obedience is all we need for life, now and into eternity.
PRAYER: “Father, show me my greatest satisfaction in life will be in seeking Your strength and Person.”
QUOTE: “To experience God’s strength for life and to know His Person in life are life’s greatest treasures.”
Because of Him,
Pastor Jim