Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

What Is Being Said Of Us?

PHILEMON 4-5 – I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers, because I hear of your love and of the faith that you have toward the Lord Jesus and for all the saints.

THEME OF THE DAY. WHAT IS BEING SAID OF US? Each one of us has built a reputation. We are known by people. Our names are dropped into conversations among friends, families, brothers, and sisters in the Lord and people respond with their thoughts of us. Hopefully, it is not slander or gossip. Those who know us have personal opinions of us based on interaction, observation, and what others have said. And reputations matter – a lot. Especially as believers in the Lord Jesus. So, what type of reputation do we have as Christians? This question is important because what people think of us as Christians is the picture of the Lord Jesus, we are painting for them.

In today’s scripture, we observe a “masterpiece of a reputation” that gives those knowing us an accurate and praiseworthy picture of our Lord. The man’s name is Philemon and his reputation far and wide was one of “love and faith in the Lord Jesus and toward all the saints.” So, how does one build such a reputation? Let’s look at each element – love and faith – and make some application.

First, to build a godly reputation of love for Jesus and people demands a life consistently denying oneself for the sake of others. This means putting into practice the words of the Apostle Paul found in the second chapter of the book of Philippians – Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:3-5). If we want a reputation of being a loving person, following the examples of Philemon and the Lord Jesus, then deny ourselves and serve others consistently, sacrificially, and without any thought of personal gain or benefit.

Next, to build a godly reputation of faith in the Lord Jesus requires a daily life of intentional obedience to His commands. Remember, faith is not just a profession of belief in facts of God, the Lord Jesus, and the Bible. Genuine faith, Biblical faith always includes actions. Read the Gospel accounts when Jesus recognizes truth faith in Him. They always are associated with willful acts toward Him and His truth. To have a God-honoring reputation for genuine faith means an observable life of putting God’s commands in practice. We choose the Word over the world. We choose honoring the Lord on His Day, not fulfilling our fleshly and personal desires. We choose to read the Bible to do the Bible. Faith is belief in action and will shape all of our lives which in turn builds a reputation giving credibility to Christianity.

Yes, we each have a reputation as Christians. What are people saying of us based on what they observe and know of us? Think about. It is one of the most important things we build to influence our worlds for Christ.

PRAYER: “Father, may my reputation be one that honors You, Your Son, and Your Spirit.”

QUOTE: “Guard your reputation and name. Once blemished, it will never be the same.”