Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

As We Value So We Search

MATTHEW 13:44-46 – The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

THEME OF THE DAY. AS WE VALUE SO WE SEARCH. Here is a quick two question quiz for us. Not allowed to think long and hard. Must answer immediately, and by the way, the “ultimate Proctor” – the all-knowing God knows our answers. Quick question one – “Who is the most important person in our lives, having the chief place of affection in our hearts, and holding the highest priority in our relational investments?” Quick question two – “If we were to observe each other for one full week, would our answer to quick question one be verified by our actions and use of our time?”

For the unbeliever, I would expect the answer would be a spouse, family member or members, maybe an exceptionally close friend. For a severely backslidden Christian, I would anticipate about the same response or responses. And to the unbeliever and severely backslidden Christian, following them around for a week would see an investment of time and energy in those human relationships. But let’s look at the believer, the healthy believer . . .

For the Christian, there should be no hesitation at all when asked the question, “Who is the most important person in our lives, having the chief place of affection in our hearts, and holding the highest priority in our relational investments?” The only right answer is the Lord Jesus Christ. This believer says with confidence the words of the Psalmist and Apostle Paul – Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you (Psalm 73:25) and For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21). Christ has captured the believer’s heart with a capture of love. Christ has become the believer’s everything and he or she will not allow any other relationship to usurp Christ’s priority position. And should we be able to say, “Yes, Christ is the most important person in my life; my chief affection and highest priority”, it will show in how we diligently, consistently, and affectionately seek Him in His Word, prayer and church. Conversely, to say He is but then show little to know observable evidence this is true is the height of both self-deception and hypocrisy. But to help us avoid both, we start where are spiritual growth and pursuit of Christ begins – the value we place on knowing Him.

In today’s scripture, Jesus teaches us a lesson on the value we place on a person or object is revealed by how sacrificial we are in seeking the person or object. In the two illustrations, the person was willing to give up everything to obtain the valued object. And this applies to us in seeking Jesus. If we truly know Him, and the inestimable value of that relationship, we will allow no other person or thing to keep us from a diligent seeking of Him. It is simply a fact. The value we place on knowing Christ is not in our words, but our pursuit of Him. And if we answer quick question one with Jesus, then the answer in quick question two will show a life centered on the Word and prayer validating He is the most important person in our lives.

PRAYER: “Father, open my eyes to see the glorious beauty of Your Son that prompts me to seek Him.”

QUOTE: “The value we place on knowing the Lord Jesus will be revealed by how diligently we seek Him.”