Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

The Contented Christian Life

PSALM 16:11 – You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

THEME OF THE DAY. THE CONTENTED CHRISTIAN LIFE. A couple of things to introduce our nugget today. First, could we right now look to heaven and pray today’s scripture to the Lord with confidence that we are experiencing what the Psalmist is of the Lord – direction for life, fullness of joy and lasting pleasures? And, again, right now, what and/or who are we looking to to satisfy our heart and bring contentment in this life?

Today’s scripture defines the contented Christian life. Though an Old Testament occurrence, it is timeless in its application to us on the other side of Christ’s cross. Within the contents of this short verse is everything a believer needs to find heart rest, soul satisfaction, and contentment in life that brings peace, simplicity, and frees us from the many false promises the world would offer in finding contentment. From this verse, here are two applications pointing us to being contented Christians. Oh, by the way, being a contented Christian is a powerful testimony of the sufficiency of Christ to a discontented world. Conversely, a discontented Christian, marked by always wanting something or someone new, and living in a “grumpy and complaining” way is a poor testimony, actually blasphemous, to the Gospel and Christ’s always sufficient Person. Now the applications . . . .

First, true God-designed and desired contentment in His people is relational, not circumstantial. And here is where we get in trouble. Too many of us are “happy and contented” when life is fairly manageable, the bills are paid, the family is doing fine, the job is not too much of a downer, the aches in our physical bodies are not too bad, and we are conflict-free in our relationships. Friends, that is worldly contentment that is paper thin and never holds out. For a Christian, if that is the basis of our contentment, rest assured the Lord will upset our worldly contentment so that we will find our true contentment, not in circumstances, but in Him. Don’t lose sight of the difference between worldly contentment – circumstantial; and godly contentment – relational.

A second application from today’s verse toward contentment is the evidence we are finding the Lord our source of contentment – the fullness of joy or the enjoyment and pleasures we are experiencing in His Presence. Little qualifier here. I am not talking about a quick emotional experience from a moving song, heart-warming book, gripping sermon, or concert. Those are fleeting and might be more emotional than spiritual. I am referring to us really enjoying the Person of Christ as He reveals Himself in His Word, prayer and with other Christians. And we cannot “fake” this with just some conversations using “Christianese.” No, the evidence of Christ being our contentment is our experience through His Word, prayer, and fellowship with other Christians that leaves us spiritually nurtured, spiritually motivated, and spiritually determined to know more of Christ; to get close to Him, and live in a conscious awareness of His Person and Presence daily.

The Psalmist makes a bold statement that may be paraphrased like this . . . “You have been my life’s greatest companion. Above all things and all people, I find You to be my source of satisfaction, my heart’s contentment, and a fullness that brings my life peace and rest.” May the Lord help us to echo those same cries to our Lord; cries that flow from being a contented in Christ alone Christian.

PRAYER: “Father, forgive me when I try to find contentment in both You and the world – an attempt of futility; always.”

QUOTE: “Contentment is in God alone. Don’t let the world and your flesh tell you otherwise. Like the devil, they lie”