Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

God’s Gift Of Time

EPHESIANS 5:15-16 – Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.

THEME OF THE DAY. GOD’S GIFT OF TIME. One of the more familiar Psalms opens with both an encouragement and exhortation – Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits (Psalm 103:1-2). The encouragement comes from the astounding truth that the Lord would choose to bless us with countless benefits. Imagine that . . . we who deserve His wrath received what we don’t deserve – His love displayed by showering us daily with so many blessings. As for the exhortation, we are to “forget not all His benefits” which, sadly, we are prone to do, but laying aside the encouragement in Psalm 103, let’s focus on the exhortation – not to forget His benefits and tie it in with today’s scripture.

As we go through a quick mental list of all God’s benefits and thank Him for them, did you include what is one of life’s greatest? It might not be one we think about much as it is so common and easily taken for granted, or worse, wasted. It is found in today’s scripture – time – the gift of time. In reading today’s scripture, we find a contrast when it comes to the use of time. And the contrast is either/or. We will choose, and yes, we are responsible for the choice, of either using God’s gift of time wisely or unwisely.

So, if that is what lies before us entering the new year; the moment-by-moment choices, wise or unwise, in the use of our time, there are three questions we should consistently ask ourselves. Before I put them before us, we need to qualify the choices when it comes to our time. There are certain non-negotiables we do not control. We must give time for our vocations, domestic responsibilities, faithful attendance to church, and other obligations upon us. We are not talking about “responsibility time” but our free time – those hours when we are free to choose how we use our time. Now the three questions to help us evaluate our free time. Review these regularly and answer them honestly to prevent squandering one of life’s greatest gifts God gives – time.

First, am I investing a significant amount of my free time in what will last forever – people – and for spiritual purposes? Be careful not to fill up free time with activities, events, and pursuits centered more on personal interests that may include people but not spiritual investments in people. It will be a wasted life if all of life is about self-interests and not investing in people spiritually – unsaved and saved.

Another question to ask in the evaluation of the use of our free time is “Am I making choices in the use of my time aware that I will give an account for that time at the Judgment Seat of Christ?” Now don’t be afraid of this judgment but be serious. We will not be judged for our sins but we will be judged for the stewardship of all our lives to include our time use. And remember, God has told us in advance we will either gain or lose rewards at this judgment (1 Corinthians 3:12-14). That loss or gain will be determined by two things – our motives for what we do and what we choose to do with the gift of time.

Finally, evaluate our understanding of time with this question – “Am I aware time wasted is time never regained?” Friends, we get one shot at life. No redos We also don’t get yesterday back, and tomorrow is not promised. If we don’t make wise, spiritually profitable choices in the use of our time today, it will be gone, never to return.

So, take time to thank God for His many benefits He gives us . As we do, don’t forget to thank Him for the gift of time and then ask Him to help us use it wisely, not foolishly, knowing its fleeting nature and no opportunity to regain it.

PRAYER: “Father, help me to use one of life’s greatest gifts from You – time – wisely and more on others than myself .”

QUOTE: “You will choose how to use your time daily. And those choices will be with wisdom or foolishly.”