Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Self-Esteem Or Self-Worth

MALACHI 3:16-17 – Then those who feared the Lord spoke with one another. The Lord paid attention and heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before him of those who feared the Lord and esteemed his name. “They shall be mine, says the Lord of hosts, in the day when I make up my treasured possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his son who serves him. .

THEME OF THE DAY. SELF-ESTEEM OR SELF-WORTH. What do you think of yourself? No, I am not advocating “positive thinking” or developing a high sense of self-esteem. Neither are Biblical and we must fight hard against being drawn into a culture that promotes self-esteem in ourselves and children. The impact in attempting to build self-esteem may seem harmless but it is anything but. It downplays or fails to grasp what happened to humanity when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. Self-esteem looks inside oneself or another person and sees something good; something good that needs to be built up and encouraged. This goes directly against the biblical understanding of the human condition and severity of our sin. We are told “There is none righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one” (Romans 3:10-11). Another problem with self-esteem is the extreme focus it places on looking at oneself. And the more we dwell on ourselves, the less we gaze upon Christ and that always leads to spiritual problems. So, don’t buy into the humanistic philosophy of self-esteem. It cheapens the gospel, downplays our need for Christ, and robs God of His glory in His children by thinking there is some good in us.

Even though the Bible doesn’t teach self-esteem, it does emphasis our self-worth, not because of us, but by the truth of our creation – in the image of God. And when we begin to see ourselves in light of being created in the image of God, we see ourselves right and real spiritual growth occurs. Why? Relationship. Seeing ourselves as originally created in God’s image, and then restored to that image through the salvation of Christ, we are awakened to see salvation as God’s initiative to restore a relationship lost due to sin. This amazing truth is so much richer than sinful self-esteem. It enables us to see the value or self-worth God places upon us, not because of us, but due to His original creation of us and the re-creation of us in Christ. Remember, He didn’t have to create us, nor restore us to Himself through Christ. He chose to do so for His own good pleasure!

So, let’s make one application concerning self-worth. In today’s scripture, we are called the Lord’s “treasured possession.” This declaration of God is based solely upon grace; a grace that says, “I claim you for my own. I take you as my prized jewel.” And here is the application – see yourself as God sees you. Do so first by asking Him to enable you to see yourself as He does. Don’t listen to the accusations of the devil or evaluate your always failing Christian life and think this is how God sees you. It isn’t. He sees you as His creation re-created in Christ to walk with and rejoice in Him. This is self-worth lived out. This is joy. This is power. Remember, He calls you “my treasured possession”. Let this be the measurement of who you are not the deception of worldly self-esteem.

PRAYER: “Father, may I never lose the wonder of being owned and cherished by You.”

QUOTE: “Ask the Lord for Him to enable you to see yourself as He does. It will deepen love for Him.”