Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

It Makes All The Difference

MATTHEW 6:9-10 – Pray then like this: “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

THEME OF THE DAY. IT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE. Today’s scripture is found in our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount. He is instructing His disciples and us on prayer. It is often referred to as “The Lord’s Prayer” but actually it is really the model for prayer. The Lord’s Prayer is really in John 17 and is known as “Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer.” But there is something else we may learn and apply from the model prayer and particularly the opening two verses. This lesson we are about to consider isn’t about prayer. It is about living and points to an excellent way to start off each day; the best way to start each day.

As we read today’s scripture, what are things which immediately draw our attention? The main thing, which is the main thing, is its God-centeredness. Jesus doesn’t instruct us to quickly rush into the presence of God and begin to rattle off our petitions which become His “to do” list according to our wills and desires. No, the Lord Jesus wants us to pause and realize prayer, even all our lives, is about God, not ourselves. In pondering the opening, we see a God-centeredness on His sovereignty in where He is located – in heaven; on the exaltation of His name – hallowed be thy name; on His monarchical authority – Thy kingdom come; and on His will unfolding in all places – Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Now we might be thinking, “Yes, Pastor Jim, I see those truths, but I have to get out of bed and the demands of family, work, and other responsibilities hit me like an avalanche. How do these lofty spiritual truths make a daily difference in my life?” Glad you asked because they make all the difference in the world! Here is how.

Imagine if we started our day not fretting or stressed out over all we have do, all the errands we must run, and all the demands upon us, but focusing on Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven? What would happen is we would see that our day is walked with a Father who loves us, a God who is sovereign ordaining all things, yes, even the inconveniences and schedule changes, a God who orchestrates all things in our lives to “hallow” (honor) His Name, a God who exercises complete authority over us for our good, and a God whose will is best and will be done in our lives. Start thinking this way and watch how we change and we see our worlds differently. There will be less stress, less frantic living, less worry, and a whole lot of praise, joy, peace, and contentment. Why? Because we started the day God-centered and that will make all the difference.

PRAYER: “Father, help me start my day thinking of You, seeking You, and thus enter my day centered on You.”

QUOTE: “The God who gives you new mercy every day is worthy of starting our day with Him.”