Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

The Non-Complaining And Contented Christian

PROVERBS 19:23 – The fear of the LORD leads to life, and whoever has it rests satisfied . . .

THEME OF THE DAY. THE NON-COMPLAINING AND CONTENTED CHRISTIAN. Many distinctions exist between the Christian and the non-Christian. Our worldviews are different. Our basis for truth is different. Our outlook on life after death is different. Our goals in life are different. Our relationships with people are different. And the list goes far beyond those five. Yet, there is one distinction that challenges every Christian to some extent. If I were asked to categorize the attitudes in our culture, and my answer was restricted to two words, I would not hesitate to say, “Complaining and discontented.” Should I then be asked, “What are two worldly characteristics way too common in Christians?” and I was again restricted to two words, I would answer the same as before – “complaining and discontented.” Friends, these are serious sins before our God. I hope all of us are fighting them when they attack us, and they will. The seriousness of these sins is found in the message it sends to God. Complaining and discontentment say, “God, I don’t like what You are doing in my life and I am not satisfied for what I have in life.” Serious stuff. Very serious stuff.

When it comes to our testimonies for Christ in a fallen world, nothing shines more brightly in the darkness than Christians living out non-complaining and contented lives. Such lives are so counter-cultural that people will wonder what is up with us. In fact, to live non-complaining and contented lives may open doors with people who are curious why we are non-complaining and contented people. These attitudes become avenues for proclaiming the sovereignty and sufficiency of the Lord Jesus.

All this sounds good, right? But then reality settles in and we find ourselves in a war fighting daily not to complain and live with contentment in our hearts. And a war it really is! But we have hope and help to live non-complaining and contented lives. It is in today’s scripture and particularly, in the fear of the Lord. Notice what Solomon says of this fear. It leads to life and satisfaction.

So, how does the fear of the Lord produce non-complaining and contented lives? It arms us with knowledge. In the first Proverb, we read, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7). This knowledge helps us see God is in control of everything in our lives and world. With this knowledge, we can avoid complaining about anything because God is good, loving, and does no wrong. Such knowledge enables us to submit to Him, not complain of Him. His ways are best so when life isn’t going according to our ways instead of complaining start worshipping because He is working out His plan, not ours. And that is truly best.

Another thing this knowledge coming from the fear of the Lord will do is produce contentment. One of the most important truths Christians need to comprehend and practice is the brevity of life. Friends, we are rushing to eternity. We are like morning mists burnt away by a noon time sun. Fast. Brief. Swift. That is life and to live with this mindset leads to contentment in God’s provisions in our lives. Why be discontented over not having things in this fading life as we want? We are only passing through. Let the knowledge of this coming from the fear of the Lord do its work; the work of contentment.

Yes, Christians are different than non-Christians in many ways. Let’s ensure that includes not having complaining and discontented lives.

PRAYER: “Father, forgive me for the way too many times I try to find contentment outside of You.”

QUOTE: “Christians are to be contented, not as the world seeks it, but as it is in the Lord Jesus Christ”