Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Our Jealous God

EXODUS 34:14 – For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.

THEME OF THE DAY. OUR JEALOUS GOD. Mention the word “jealous” in a conversation and I don’t believe we are going to discuss this as a virtue to embrace. And rightly so. In the human experience, jealousy is ugly. Its definitions reveal its ugliness. To be jealous is “a feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages.” It also includes “being suspicious, distrusting, doubting, insecure, anxious.” Yes, jealousy is a serious sin that destroys relationships, produces hypocrisy, and makes a person bitter. But there is another definition of jealousy. It is “to be fiercely protective of one’s rights or possessions.” This may be good when it comes to human relationships. For instance, we are jealous for the protection of our family. It causes us to be watchful and vigilant over their well-being. That would be an acceptable display of jealousy. However, when it comes to the second part of the “good” definition of jealously – being fiercely protective of our possessions – this isn’t good. It leads to disobeying the commands of God to be liberal in our giving and meeting the needs of one another (2 Corinthians 9:6-7; 1 John 3:16-18).

Now let’s move into today’s scripture and see jealousy as it applies to our God. As we do, let’s remind ourselves that God is perfect, without sin, and that everything about Him is holy and right which means His display of jealousy is far, far removed from ours. It is not only good jealousy, but perfect jealousy, and in the context of today’s scripture, God is jealous toward where His people’s hearts are placed. Let’s consider three reasons why God has the right to be jealous toward us.

First, God is our creator and should display jealousy when we fail to acknowledge and live in submission to Him. No human being has the right to place his or her will above that of the Creator. We are not self-made or independent. When we choose to ignore the Creator, His jealousy is displayed with great displeasure over our failure to acknowledge and live under His watchful eye.

Next, God is our redeemer and should display jealousy when His children allow human relationships and worldliness take center stage in the seat of their affections. The Apostle Paul told us, “We are bought with a price” (1 Corinthians 6:20). And the Apostle Peter would tell us what that redemption price was – “Knowing that you were ransomed (redeemed) from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot” (1 Peter 1:18-19). Friends, think what it cost our Triune God for us to be His children. And then think of the height of ingratitude provoking God’s jealousy when we forget the cost, living as if we are not bought property by the glorious Lord Jesus.

Finally, God is the Supreme Ruler, King of Kings, and absolute authority over all people and should display intense jealousy when He is not worshipped as such. And we provoke His jealousy when we worship false gods instead. Now, don’t be quick saying, “Jim, I am not an idolater. I don’t worship false gods.” Be careful here. Anything or anyone that has a higher place in our hearts than God is an idol. And idols are worshipped. We may not bow down to some image, but where our heart is, there is our worship. If it is not directed to the one true God, we are practicing idolatry, and He will become jealous, leading to chastisement on His disobedient children.

Jealousy is mostly a bad trait to have in us, but it is a glorious one in our God. Remember, His jealousy for our hearts and lives is a display of His love and grace to us.

PRAYER: “Father, protect me from idolatry by allowing anyone or anything else be higher in my affections than You.”

QUOTE: “God will allow no one or nothing to compete or share with Him when it comes to ownership of the human heart.”