Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Get Involved

Numbers 32:6-7 – But Moses said to the people of Gad and to the people of Reuben, “Shall your brothers go to the war while you sit here? Why will you discourage the heart of the people of Israel from going over into the land that the Lord has given them?

THEME OF THE DAY. GET INVOLVED. The story I am about to share is true. In fact, I was personally in attendance and heard it with my own ears. It occurred at a memorial service for a great man of God whose influence and ministry was far and wide. He wrote impactful books, gave the wisest of counsel, and was one of the godliest pastors/Christians I have ever known. At his memorial, four pastors were asked to speak. I was the third one and the story that follows came from the pastor before me. It went like this.

He began by saying how the pastor and his wife were the instruments God used to bring himself and his wife to the Lord. They also became their spiritual mentors. During this time of their spiritual journey, he was not in the pastorate or pursuing it, but they did start attending a good Bible-believing church. And they loved it . . . the preaching was great; the music was awesome; the leadership top-notch. They really enjoyed the church but they were “on the fringe” – attending without participating. The pastor continued his story. Soon, he became a little critical of the preaching. Instead of soaking in the Word, he began to critique it and when that happens, the journey to a critical spirit has begun. Now the music wasn’t as good. And a recent decision by the Elders didn’t set well with him. This went on for a period of time till he arrived at the point of this wasn’t a good church after all and it was time to leave. He was finding fault in everything. However, being wise, he would not do so without seeking counsel. He went to the pastor whose memorial service we were doing.

He began to “unload” on all that was wrong with the church and why it was time to leave. Our dearly departed pastor friend sat and listened intently. I know that intense listening he was known for. I experienced it personally. After a long period of “venting” about the church, he paused and waited for the response. He came to seek counsel, but primarily he wanted counsel that agreed with him that the church was “messed up” and it was right to go. He didn’t get that. He got two words; just two words that rocked him. The wise pastor said to him, “Get involved.”

The story went on like this. The man didn’t like what he heard, but he respected the pastor so much that he did what he told him. He returned to the church and instead of just attending, he began to participate; prayer meetings, active ministry, serving, and soon . . . the preaching got really good again; the music returned to high quality; and the leadership was marked by good and godly men. He fell in love with the place and it wasn’t long, the church approached him to join the pastoral staff and he did. All because of two wise words – “get involved.”

In today’s scripture, the Lord is telling His people who wanted to be on the sidelines while others went to war to “get involved.” And notice what the Lord says results when His people don’t get involved with each other to fulfill His purposes. They get discouraged. Few things discourage pastors, elders, and other Christians more than people who stay on the sidelines of body life or remain on the fringe. And people who do stay on the fringe are quick to find fault and be critical. The opposite is true of people who “get involved.” What is noticeably absent in those Christians involved in their local church is a bitter and critical spirit. Why? They are experiencing the love of God through their obedience.

So, maybe it would be good to ask the question, “Are we involved in our local churches for mutual growth and encouragement?” If not, to avoid a cold and critical heart, let’s heed the wise pastor’s counsel of two words – “Get involved.”

PRAYER: “Father, please don’t let me be deceived and sit on the sidelines of church and the Gospel and think it is okay.”

QUOTE: “An inactive Christian in the body life of a local church reveals one glaring spiritual problem; disobedience.”