Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Watch Your Walk

Proverbs 22:3 – The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.

THEME OF THE DAY. WATCH YOUR WALK. This morning, my daily readings brought me to the book of Philippians. The words of the Apostle Paul stopped me in my spiritual tracks and led to a little pause for personal evaluation. To encourage these believers in their walk with the Lord, he wrote, “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel” (Philippians 1:27). It was the opening words which put the brakes on my morning quiet time – “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the Gospel of Christ.” Paul is exhorting us to be mindful that we are to LIVE the Gospel or that our daily conduct is to reflect the life-giving power of the Gospel. I want us to make a quick application before I offer three helps toward a life lived worthy of the Gospel. This quick application is toward the most intimate of human relationships; marriage and parenting. I know this won’t apply to all of us, but the principle extends to those single and without children in all their relationships. Here it is . . . the Apostle Paul exhorts us to conduct our lives as to put forth the truth and credibility of the Gospel. In the realm of homes, under constant observance by our spouses and children, more spiritual truth and influence will occur from what they observe in our lives than what they hear from our mouths. Let the seriousness of this responsibility before our God and loved ones drive us to greater prayer and dependence on the God of all grace who is able to make such a life in and from us. Now the three helps. In order to have a life lived worthy of the Gospel, we need knowledge; Biblical knowledge in three areas to ensure such a life may occur.

First, to live a life worthy of the Gospel, we need to know ourselves. This means knowing we cannot live this life alone; we cannot lean on our own flawed understandings; and we cannot put ourselves in compromising situations in our homes before a watching God, spouse, and children. And two of these compromising situations may well be where we surf on the internet and what we watch on television. Simply ask these questions – “Would our internet history of searches and websites visited over the past ten days reflect a life ‘worthy of the Gospel’? and “Would the choices of television shows and movies be able to be stamped “worthy of the Gospel” in its credits and announcements?” We must know our weaknesses and besetting sins, and fight against them constantly, especially in the “safe haven” of our homes when watching eyes are observing us.

Next, to live a life worthy of the Gospel, we need to know the spiritual tactics of the devil and world. One of the most subtle attacks of both these fiendish foes is to draw our attention away from a mind set on things above where Christ is located (Colossians 3:1-4). Think and invest more in the world than the Word and our lives cannot be worthy of the Gospel for the Gospel has not become worthy of our thinking. Discipline our minds and time to reflect on eternal, Gospel priorities, not worldly priorities. If we fail here, don’t be surprised or saddened when our children show no interest in the church, prayer, and time of diligent study of the Word. They will only be following what they observed.

Finally, to live a life worthy of the Gospel, we need to make knowing Him who is the Gospel, our chief delight and pursuit in life – knowing Christ. Allow the testimony of the Apostle Paul become our testimony – “that I might know Him, the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His suffering” (Philippians 3:10). Make Him our all in all and what the eyes in our homes will sees is a “life worthy of the Gospel” and it will impact them for a lifetime.

May the Lord help us to watch our walk because those closest to us are doing so and what they observe, they will follow.

PRAYER: “Lord, help me walk in a manner worthy of the Gospel by heeding the dangers on my journey.”

QUOTE: “A healthy walk with Christ demands a moment-by-moment awareness of what may make it unhealthy.”