Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

A Satisfying Command

Psalm 27:8 – You have said, “Seek my face.” My heart says to you, “Your face, Lord, do I seek.”

THEME OF THE DAY. A SATISFYING COMMAND. Human beings are fully satisfied with only one thing. Yes, we find temporary pleasure in things of the world, even sin, but ultimately everything apart from the One thing will prove to be unfulfilling. That One that satisfies the soul? It is the fulfillment of obeying the command found in today’s scripture – seeking the face of God. Or we may further define this seeking by the words of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthian believers – “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6). The only thing which will truly satisfy us is God showing us Himself in the Person of His Son, the Lord Jesus. It is learning to know, to love, and obey our great God that brings lasting contentment into our lives. So, let’s work through some truths and applications from today’s scripture command “to seek the face of God.”

First, we must understand to know God (to seek His face) is a command to be obeyed. Our relationship with God as Creator and Redeemer places under us an obligation to know Him. It is our very purpose of existence. God created us for Himself. And when sin entered the world, He sent the Lord Jesus to enable us to once again fulfill our purpose as created beings. We are wired to know God. To neglect or ignore seeking Him is to go contrary to the reason we exist. Granted, sinners have no desire or ability to do this, but Christians? We are privileged by grace to obey this soul-satisfying command; to seek the face of God.

Next, God knows our obedience to this command is the answer to satisfy all our inner cravings for meaning and contentment in life. Friends, God’s commands do not hinder or oppress us. His commands do not take the joy and pleasure out of life. Just the opposite. His commands are for our good and bring us the greatest joy and pleasure in life. Obedience is liberating. Ignorance and disobedience is bondage.

A third truth and application to the command “seek my face” is action. It goes without saying but I will say it, “Obedience requires purposeful and planned action from us.” No one wakes up, enters the day, and hits the “cruise control” button of obeying God’s commands. I wish it were that easy. I wish there was a spiritual vitamin called “obedience” we could simply take and obedience just flows from us. Well, it doesn’t work that way. Obedience comes from self-discipline and self-control with a diligent resolve to make it the highest priority in our lives. Remember what Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments” (John 14:15). So, what would obedience to the command “seek my face” look like in our daily lives? It would center around one thing; an uncompromising commitment to the means God has given us to seek His face; His Word, prayer, and His church. God is knowable but not by sitting around waiting for a “holy zap” of knowledge from heaven. He has made it clear “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). We cannot cry out, “Lord, I want to know You. I long to seek Your face” but neglect our Bibles, reduce prayer to an isolated few words at meal and bedtime, and be inconsistent in public worship where God promises to reveal Himself. Lazy Christians are guilty of two things; disobedient to the command “seek my face” and under the control of flesh which always fights against the self-denying self-discipline necessary to obey the command “seek my face.”

God has provided all we need for soul-satisfaction and inward contentment. Both are found in His Son, the Lord Jesus, and will be experienced by the Christian who follows David’s example of obedience found in today’s scripture – “Your face, Lord, I do seek.”

PRAYER: “Father, I praise You for the privilege of fellowshipping with You”

QUOTE: “Obeying in order to know God, then to love God, is the greatest motive for obedience”