Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Life As It Really Is

Job 14:1-2 – Man who is born of a woman is few of days and full of trouble. He comes out like a flower and withers; he flees like a shadow and continues not.

THEME OF THE DAY: LIFE AS IT REALLY IS. The wisdom books in our Bibles are brutally exposing to the soul. They make us see life as it really is. Consider three of them . . .

In the Psalms, we find “the window to the soul” showing us the wide range of human experiences and emotions. The Psalmist David is in heaven one moment with praise and adoration, then, we see him languishing in discouragement and unbelief. Are those experiences not true of us? One day we listen to a heart-moving song, a powerful sermon, or enjoy a great time with the Lord in His Word and we find ourselves reaching mountain heights of “rapturous joy”. But then, just as quickly, we go into the valley. Our Bible reading is mindless and unmoving; prayer is a dull routine of words; church attendance becomes a “have to” obligation lacking excitement and anticipation. The reality of our walk with the Lord is anything but reality. The Psalms tell us much about our ever-changing moods and emotions.

Next, we come to the wisdom book of Ecclesiastes. This book is hard-hitting. It is like a cold wash cloth to the face early in the morning. King Solomon uses a repeated phrase through this book, “Vanity of vanities.” In doing so, he is teaching us a lesson we need to hear a lot. He is saying, “Listen. This world cannot satisfy you. All the gadgets, all the recreation, hobbies, entertainment, all human relationships, all acquiring of material things, and anything else of this world will disappoint you. Don’t seek to find in this world what is not in this world – heart contentment, soul satisfaction, and inward peace.” Ecclesiastes is our book to get a reality check on how the devil, world, and flesh will work to deceive us to think life in this world will fulfill the God-induced vacuum in our soul that only He can fill. And here is the warning of Ecclesiastes. Solomon is an old man when he writes this book. He wasted a life seeking what he thought would satisfy his life – worldliness. Pay attention to his warning and don’t waste time, energy, and money in pursuing what only God can give – a contented soul. Ecclesiastes is the best book in the Bible to show us the futility of life in this world.

Then, we have the wisdom book from which today’s scripture originates – the oldest book in the Bible; Job. As one reads this book, it is a message on suffering, but that isn’t the primary message. The real lesson from Job is learning to see God as He really is and ourselves as we really are. We find this coming into full bloom, not in the beginning or middle of the book, but in the ending chapters of 38 through 42. Take time soon and read them. You will discover the key message of Job. However, a third message emerges from Job. It is found in today’s scripture. And that lesson? Life is hard, short, full of pain, and quickly fades away. Like Ecclesiastes, here is a message we need to remind ourselves of and that quite often. Christian, we are not meant to be comfortable and problem-free in this world. Sin has ensured us that suffering, sorrow, grief, loss, and pain will be our lots all through life. Yes, we will have periods of happiness, but those are fleeting and not sustaining. God never intended His children to be comfortable in this world. If comfort is found now, our longing for heaven and freedom from sin would not grip and shape our lives. And that is very dangerous. When a Christian seeks comfort and ease in this world, a passion for heaven, a passion to see Jesus, and a passion for the Gospel will be absent. Worldliness will settle into our lives. To prevent this, God gives us the wisdom book of Job.

So, if we really want to wage successful spiritual warfare in this world, we need to see and live life as it really is. The wisdom books of Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and Job help us toward that end. Consider adding a regular dose of these books in your reading of God’s Word. They will help you see life as it really is.

PRAYER: “Father, help me to see this world is not my home and that I am a pilgrim in a foreign land.”

QUOTE: “God’s people are not to be comfortable in this world for to do so will take our eyes off heaven and the Lord.”