Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

The Attractive Christian

Ephesians 4:1-3 – I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

THEME OF THE DAY: THE ATTRACTIVE CHRISTIAN. Nothing is more attractive to a hurting world seeking truth, purpose, and comfort than a Christian who lives to model Jesus Christ, not primarily in actions, but in character. Get the character or heart right toward Christ and actions always follow. There is something irresistible about a believer exuding the spiritual qualities found in Jesus. They are magnetic, encouraging, and open up many opportunities to proclaim Him. And these qualities truly define what a Christian is to be and pursue each and every day. The Apostle Paul identifies them in today’s scripture – “humility, gentleness, patience, and love.” So, with this little list, let’s make some application of each in our dealings with people; all people, Christians and non-Christians alike.

First is the attractiveness of Christ-modeled humility. This spiritual virtue is the antithesis of the chief virtue in our world today; pride. That is why it is so important for us to cooperate, through obedience, the Spirit’s work of developing this foundational virtue in us. Without humility, there will be no spiritual growth and conformity into the image of the attractive Jesus. And humility lived out before all people says this, “I will not demand my rights for I have none. I will not be offended when I don’t get my way. I will live in glad submission to God’s sovereign will without complaining when I am mistreated.” Live this way in a pride-infested world and watch how God uses us to show people why we are different.

The second attractive trait found in Jesus and to be in us as well is gentleness. Oh, what a magnetic virtue this is. Our world is full of self-centered harshness. Everyone is all about themselves and this cruel display of total depravity comes forth in hatred, bitterness, and a combative heart in too many relationships. And many of these ugly traits come forth because of relational hurt. But then comes the attractive Christian putting forth gentleness. Gentleness says, “I understand. I will listen. I won’t be critical. Let me hear what is causing you such hurt and hatred.” A gentle spirit opens up avenues for us to enter into the hurt of many people who simply need a listening ear that leads them to a listening Savior.

Another trait in the attractive Christian following Jesus is patience. We don’t have to go far in our assessment of the world to see the impatience in people. From delayed red lights to long check-out lines to being on hold for customer service, impatience shows up all the time, everywhere. Not so for the Christ-following believer. They stick out like a sore thumb with this Spirit-produced character trait. And what does patience do in a crowd of impatient people? It presents a calming effect. It shows confidence in God’s sovereignty that He even controls traffic. It opens up opportunities to tell people why we don’t get irritated when schedules and circumstances change. Patience lived out in the Christian, be it in our marriages or parenting, speaks volumes to those watching us. Without a word, they will see something “other worldly” – the always patient Jesus.

Finally, the attractive Christian puts forth the love of Christ in all their relationships. And when the love of Christ controls a believer, there are at least two positive relational impacts; people enjoy our presence, they don’t endure our presence and people welcome our conversations; they don’t look for escape routes to avoid conversations. Love is the epitome of the attractive Christian. It is the highest goal in the Christian life and if pursued, will expose the world to the Jesus found in our Bibles, not in much of contemporary Christianity.

PRAYER: “Father, so make my life reflect the glorious qualities found in Your Son.”

QUOTE: “Nothing is more attractive to a hurting world than the true picture of Jesus modeled through His people”.