Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Defeating All Temptations

Romans 6:12 – Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, to make you obey its passions.

THEME OF THE DAY: DEFEATING ALL TEMPTATIONS. We will be faced with it from the moment we wake up till our heads are laid upon a pillow late at night. It will come in all forms. Here are just a few; lustful looks, ungodly speech, impulsive reactions of anger in tense moments, impatience with trying people, even family members, coveting eyes, and evil thoughts. The “it” I am referring to is temptation to sin. There will not be a moment this side of heaven free from temptation. It never rests, takes a vacation, or cuts us slack. It also will never just roll over in its intensity to draw us to commit sin. And when it comes to temptation, it only applies to the Christian. Unbelievers are dead in sin and are immune to temptation. All they do is sin, but not the believer.

The Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans the truth about the believer’s relationship to sin – “You also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace” (Romans 6:11-14). We have died to the reign of sin in our lives. True Christians cannot or will not live a life of tolerated and practiced sin. It is impossible. That doesn’t mean we won’t sin, but it won’t be loved, sought out, and welcomed in our lives. Yes, we are dead to sin, but not temptation to sin. And when it comes to the fruit or end result of temptation, sinning, it is always a choice in believers. There is no such experience in the believer of unintentional sin. Oh, we may “fly off the handle” in a heated moment and let loose words of anger come forth from an uncontrolled heart and tongue, but even then, we are responsible. If the Spirit of God dwells in the believer, and He does, there is never a temptation which cannot be defeated. God said, “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13). So, what is the way of escape from temptation? It begins in our minds. As we think so we do. With that truth before us, let’s consider four things to think about when temptation comes our way. If we get these things in our minds and keep them on the forefront of our thinking when temptation comes, we will defeat it – every time.

The first thing to do when temptation seeks to draw us into sin is remember the presence of God. He is everywhere, all the time. If we remember His always with us presence, we go a long way in defeating temptation. In fact, we may not need to go any further, but if we do, move into the way of escape number two.

In tempting times, remember the very sin we are about to do, no matter what it is, put Jesus on the cross. Let that sink in. Why would we even consider doing something for which Jesus died? It is simple “spiritual reasoning” to refuse the thing that cost Jesus His life. It is actually “spiritual insanity” for a Christian to pursue or allow sin.

A third thing to recall in our mind when intense temptation draws us to sin is think of the joy and heart satisfaction we get in obeying God more than fulfilling the temporary pleasure in sin. To do this, remember the time when we said “yes” to sin, and “no” to God’s prompting to flee the temptation. What was it like? Horrible. Sin tastes good at first bite. I think the fruit Adam and Eve had a great initial taste, but then, oh the bitterness thereafter.

Finally, defeat temptation by realizing we will never regret obedience to God, but if we sin against Him, stand by. We will experience much regret, remorse and guilt as God chastens us. This is a strong motivator to fight temptation; the displeasure of our Heavenly Father and His sure, painful, and maybe lengthy rod of correction that follows.

Yes, brother and sister, we can defeat temptation – all temptation. It is a matter of our renewed will exercising itself to renew our mind with the ways of escape God has provided. We simply don’t have to give in to the temptation which leads to sin.

PRAYER: “Father, please help me to realize the cost of saying ‘yes’ to sin.”

QUOTE: “There will be more joy in saying ‘no’ to sin than saying ‘yes’ and giving into its momentary, but regret-producing, pleasure.”