Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ: Satisfying Our Every Need And Want

1 Corinthians 1:30 – And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption.

THEME OF THE DAY: JESUS CHRIST: SATISFYING OUR EVERY NEED AND WANT. Sin really did a number on us. It separated us from God, placed us under His wrath, and brought horrific human suffering into the world. It caused a human race to become a selfish race filled with people, all people, who are consumed with themselves. It is called selfishness. As bad as all those are, sin did something else. By its work of separating us from God, it created a void deep in our very being which cannot be satisfied apart from God. Just look around the world, even in our churches, maybe even in our own lives, at all the attempts to find inward contentment, soul satisfaction, and peaceful hearts through means other than the Lord Jesus. People seek those satisfiers of the soul through materialism only to realize at the end a lot of money and time wasted for the new becomes old and never satisfies. There is also the seeking of contentment in human relationships. People place their trust that other person will fill the empty void of companionship in their lives. Soon they realize that other person is also a sinner consumed with themselves and unable to meet the craving of the soul. And Christians are not immune. How many people have left good, not perfect, but good Bible-based churches over unfulfilled desires. It could be music, style of preaching, lack of this program or that, whatever the reason, Christians leave churches thinking the one down the street will satisfy their spiritual hunger. But it won’t be long in the new church that the new wears off. The honeymoon phase is over and we find fault, even disillusionment. Here is a piece of advice for those who may have “quick feet” and think a new church, a new spiritual environment and a new start will solve the longing of the soul. It won’t. In fact, it might even worsen the dissatisfaction if we leave a good church without Biblical reasons. I don’t think the Lord takes lightly those who see His church on earth from a consumer, “what’s in it for me” mentality of being a taker more than a giver. He may deepen our discontent for leaving as a means of corrective chastisement. At any rate, whether it be church or the world, nothing or no one can fill the void in our souls sin created but the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Paul stated what Christ has and does to believers in Him – ‘For in Him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in Him, who is the head of all rule and authority’. The first thing he reminds us of is the fact Jesus is God. We know that, but do we live that? As God in the flesh, He alone satisfies the longings of us who are still in the flesh because as God, He is our Creator and knows the only source of contentment comes from Him, the Creator/Redeemer. The second truth Paul tells us is this God in the flesh, this Jesus, fills us. Not partially, but fully. There is no partial work of Christ taking up residency in our hearts. He comes in His fullness in order to fill us or satisfy us with Himself. And He does . . . . consider the following:

Our Lord Jesus is sufficient to meet all the longings and desires in our lives. He will be our spiritual food satisfying our souls; He will be our constant companion satisfying our longing for meaningful relationships; He will be our strength empowering us to live for His purposes and glory; He will be our guide directing us through a dangerous and fearful world; He will be the encourager of our souls when sin, Satan, and ourselves seek to discourage us; and He will be our God welcoming us home to His eternal heaven after we have finished the course, run the race, and fought the good fight. Yes, Christ is the believer’s all in all and will prove it over and over, if we simply do two things – believe Him, and then prove that belief by constantly coming to and relying upon Him to meet every need, every longing, and every desire deep in our very being (Colossians 2:9; 3:11).

PRAYER: “Father, help me realize that Your Son fulfills all the needs and longings I have in this life and for eternity.”

QUOTE: “Christ is enough for all our hearts long for and He will prove it over and over, if we come to Him over and over.”