Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Life’s Greatest Pleasure

Psalm 40:8 – I delight to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.

THEME OF THE DAY: LIFE’S GREATEST PLEASURE. How would we answer today’s nugget theme? We may list many noble things, but the question isn’t about many things, a few things, or a couple of things. The question is about one thing. So, think long and hard on what truly is life’s greatest pleasure. As we do, I believe we would, or should, arrive at what is declared in today’s scripture. Life’s greatest pleasure bringing the greatest satisfaction in life, the greatest sense of purpose in life, and the greatest joy in life is doing the will of God. Or we may rephrase it like this – “Life’s greatest pleasure is to delight in, and pursue with earnest determination and passion, a progressive pattern of obedience to God’s Word.” The scripture of the day is Messianic and reveals the heart of our Lord Jesus. He delighted in doing His Father’s will. Obedience consumed His heart and guided His actions. And for the Christian? Nothing will produce joy, peace, and contentment in this life more than purposefully living in obedience to God’s Word. It is the food for the soul, the compass to steer life, and the only way to prepare for our Day of Judgment with confidence and joyful anticipation. In its core essence, a life of obedience, delightful obedience, defines the Christian life. Think about it. Is there really anything more thrilling than to know we get to please the Lord, bring a smile to His face, and walk close to Him in fellowship and that through a life of obedience? Let’s consider three soul-stirring reasons why obedience to the Lord is life’s greatest pleasure.

First, obedience to God and His Word is why we were created, and then re-created in Christ through salvation. We were created to know God, to love God, to walk with God, and be contented in God. And these reasons for our created purpose from the Garden of Eden to the end of time is dependent upon our obedience to Him. If we did personal inventory of our spiritual lives when the joy level is low, complaining high, and just routine defines our Christianity, we would find the root cause being low levels of purposeful obedience to known commands. We are just drifting, mindlessly going through life, without making conscious and personal steps to implementing obedience to God’s Word in our lives. Until the Holy Spirit shows us our greatest joy and pleasure in life is found in fulfilling our created purpose – obedience to the Lord – we will experience an ebb and flow spiritual life with more “down spiritual times” than up.

Next, obedience to God and His Word is the way He has determined we show our love to Him. Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:21). Love for God never begins with emotions and affections. It will include such, but they are never the starting point. An exercise of the will to obey God’s Word, regardless of feelings and emotions, is the starting point to express our love to God. If we waited to obey when feelings or affections were present, we would rarely obey. Faith acts on known commandments, not feelings toward the One giving the commands. However, please don’t misinterpret me. Feelings and emotions matter. They are part of our relationship with the Lord, but remember, our feelings and emotions are tainted with sin and are never the starting point to begin a life of obedience. Think how many times we don’t “feel” like going to church, reading our Bibles, praying, sharing the Gospel, and serving in a ministry of sacrifice for others. What if we did all those things only when we felt like it? I think we get the picture. God has prevented us from a “feelings driven Christianity” by showing our love for Him is obedience-based.

Finally, obedience to God and His Word are the necessary part of conforming us into the image of Christ; the end goal of salvation. Yes, we are sanctified by grace, but it is grace acted upon. A Christian who is passive toward obedience is stunting spiritual growth. We grow as we obey not as we stand still. And let the certainty of God making us like His Son so fill our souls with joy knowing this is the end for which God saved us. Such a mindset will make obedience when it is hard, not a difficulty of joyless burden, but of persevering faith knowing the good work being done through our obedience. Yes, life’s greatest pleasure is found in obeying God. Is that true of me? Of you? Are we convinced it truly is life’s greatest pleasure? I hope so for God has declared it is so.

PRAYER: “Father, please help me see that salvation is a re-creating within me desire and ability to obey You.”

QUOTE: “The Bible must define the character of our God; not our experiences, our own perceptions, or anything else”