Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Posts by Quidnessett Baptist Church (Page 8)

Christians Kidnapped During Attack on Marawi

Fourteen Christians were kidnapped on May 23rd during an ongoing attack on Marawi, Philippines by ISIS supporters. About 100 Islamic extremists overran the city, firing machine guns and marking the territory as their own by raising black ISIS flags. In addition to the kidnappings, the Islamists burned a cathedral and Christian-run college and seized a hospital and a jail.

Pastors in Myanmar Held Without Trial

Pastors Dom Dawng Nawng Latt, 65, and La Jaw Gam Hseng, 35, were arrested on December 24, 2016, after helping to negotiate the release of a couple that had complained to military officials about the destruction of their house. The pastors went to the Byuha Gon military base where the couple were being held. Military officials released the couple but detained the clergymen, citing that the arrest was linked to the pastors helping journalists cover the bombing of the St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church building on November 23-24.

Buddhist Monks Threaten Churches in Sri Lanka

On March 25th, a Buddhist monk led a group of about 50 people into a church and demanded that the Christians cease worship activities. when police arrived, they scolded the Christians for disturbing the peace and ordered the pastor to go to the station for an interview. Pastor Ishara visited the police station twice but never met the officer in charge. A week later, the pastor, who had led worship in the area for 17 years, received a letter stating that his church must register with the government.

Clothing Ministry Update

It’s been a while since we last gave you an update. Much has happened. In John 4:34 Jesus says: “My food is to do the will of the Father and to accomplish His work.” He followed up on His Word by remaining in constant communion with the Father through prayer. Jesus’ example is why meet on a regular basis to pray. Over the past 5½ years, the Lord has made us apply and believe that the end result of what we do in obedience – is up to God. It’s essential that we remain fed by His Word and prayer. We operate on the truth that nothing is impossible with God.

Our Fellow Laborers: Bibles Needed in Mali

There is s shortage of Bibles in the Sikasso Region of southern Mali, and the Bibles are desperately needed because of an increasing number of new Christian believers. In the past, Islamic extremists destroyed Bibles first when attacking villages. Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) recently replaced 1,200 Bibles, but that number represents only a fraction of what is needed in the area.