Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Scripture Alone: The Sufficiency of Its Power

A. The ________________ Power of Scripture: Sufficient for our ________________

1. Sufficiency of scripture for __________________: new life
Psalm 19:7, 1 Peter 1:23

2. Sufficiency of scripture for _________________: direction for life
Psalm 19:7b-8, Psalm 119:105

3. Sufficiency of scripture for ________________: joy in life
Ps. 19:8a, Ps. 1:1-2

B. The _____________ Power of Scripture: Sufficient for our _____________________

1. We have ______________ comfort to ____________ us:
Psalm 119:50, 92

2. We have _______________ comfort to ____________ others:
Luke 4:18-19

C. The ___________ Power of Scripture: Sufficient for our __________________

1. Sufficient against the temptation to _____________ God’s provision: Matthew 4:3-4

2. Sufficient against the temptation to ______________ God’s  providence: Matthew 4:5-7, Colossians 4:2

3. Sufficient against the temptation to _______________ upon God’s right: Matthew 4:8-10, Romans 12:1-2