Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Don’t Be Surprised. It is Supposed to be That Way

JOB 14:1- Man who is born of a woman is few of days and full of trouble. “

THEME OF THE DAY:  DON’T BE SURPRISED. IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE THAT WAY.  Do we believe Job’s words in today’s scripture?  Of course we do!  It is God’s Word.  Okay. Do we really believe Job’s words in today’s scripture?  The truth of our belief will not be in our profession.  It will be in our reaction to the “full of trouble” part of Job’s words when they come our way.  And come they will!

How do we react in trying and troublesome times?  Well, here is one way not to react and it comes from the Apostle Peter – Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you (1 Peter 4:12). Ever wonder why Peter says these words?  It is because we are prone to be surprised when fiery trials or days full of trouble enter our lives.  And it is when trouble comes, three things are revealed about us through our responses.

First, our reaction to trouble reveals if we truly understand what life is to be like as a result of our first parents’ sin in the Garden of Eden.  Disobedience to God always produces trouble in life.  That principle continues today and will until Jesus returns. Next, our reaction to trouble reveals how mature we are in Christ. The mature Christian submits to God’s sovereignty in trouble understanding He works all things, even trouble, for good (Romans 8:28). Immature Christians complain in trouble as if they don’t deserve such difficulties in life. They are spiritual infants in understanding God’s sovereign control and ways. Finally, our reactions to trouble tell us where our hearts are attached – the things of this world or the next.  Troubles are designed to show us the futility of life under the sun.  So, with all that, here is the application. Take time to slowly mull over it in the next paragraph.

Failed expectations, shattered dreams, painful disappointments, intense grief, seasons of deep sorrow, and short times of relative rest and ease. What are those experiences? Life. Life in a cursed world, a broken world, a sinful world, a world temporarily under the control of Satan.  Don’t think it should be any other way. This is real life.  Don’t make the mistake to think contentment, satisfaction, and ease will be found in this world.  That is a fool’s journey never to be pondered and taken by the Christian who knows better.

Don’t be surprised over trouble in life.  It is supposed to be that way.

PRAYER: “Father, forgive me when I look in this world for things that will only be found in You and the next world.”
QUOTE: “Life is supposed to be hard.  Satan and sin make it so.  Don’t expect any prolonged period of ease.”

Because of Him,
Pastor Jim