Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Encouragement By Faithfulness

MATTHEW 21:28-31 – “What do you think? A man had two sons. And he went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today.’ And he answered, ‘I will not,’ but afterward he changed his mind and went. And he went to the other son and said the same. And he answered, ‘I go, sir,’ but did not go. Which of the two did the will of his father?” They said, “The first.” Jesus said to them, “Truly, I say to you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes go into the kingdom of God before you.”

THEME OF THE DAY. ENCOURAGEMENT BY FAITHFULNESS. Today’s scripture is known as “The Parable of Two Sons.” The obvious lesson is that words alone do not affirm obedience to the will of God. The first son said, “Nope. I am not doing it” and then later, “repented” (changed his mind and went). The second son said, “Yes. I am in” but was all talk – no action. Jesus commends the first one as doing the will of God while the latter did not. This is something for us to ponder often. When we pray or make a commitment to obey God’s word, let our words become our actions.

Another lesson may be taken from this parable. It is implied and might not be thought of much in our lives, but it is powerful, very powerful in the work of encouraging other believers. It is found in the statement by the second son, “I go, sir” and followed by his subsequent lack of action.

Allow me to make a little “pastoral confession” here. I know this isn’t just mine. All pastors think this way. And I know our nugget readership goes beyond just my church so please think about this as it applies to you in your church and pastor.

One of the most important things God’s people can do to encourage their pastors is faithfulness; keeping commitments to the things of God, and particularly attendance in His church. Conversely, one of the ways God’s people discourage pastors is to be inconsistent in commitments to the things of God, and particularly church attendance. Or be like the second son making a commitment to the will of God but not making the words of commitment be faithful acts of commitment. Sadly, this happens a lot of the days we live. Many Christians lack deep commitment to the local church. Inconsistency to attend church and have little involvement in church is too commonplace. I witness it in my own church seeing people one week, then not again for weeks. Now this is not a pastoral judgment of criticism, but of pastoral concern. God expects His people to be “sold out” to faithfulness and commitment to His church and people. Should His people not be doing so reveals a failure to see church as God does and speaks volumes of their own walks with the Lord. But I think we need a disclaimer about now.

Pastors aren’t wanting people to keep faithful commitments to church for their sake or to have people listen to them preach. If those are the motives of a pastor, I suggest he seek another line of work. No, the God-called pastor who yearns for God’s people to display regular faithfulness to God, His Word, prayer, and His people in His church is for their good, their spiritual growth, His glory and the encouragement of ALL GOD’S PEOPLE. God even commands us to this ministry of encouraging faithfulness – Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near (Hebrews 10:23-25).

So, fellow believer. Keep your commitments and especially to the Lord and His people in His church by faithful attendance. Don’t compromise this commitment for worldly pleasure. Don’t underestimate the power of faithful presence to God’s people in the work of mutual encouragement.

PRAYER: “Father, help me to encourage your people by always being true to my word.”

QUOTE: “Faithfulness is one of the most important displays of encouragement to God’s people”