Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Stop, Ponder, Pray

PSALM 46:10 – “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

THEME OF THE DAY. STOP, PONDER, PRAY. Life is full, busy, and stressful. Sin has done that to us and our world. As Christians, if we are not mindful of this and acknowledging we live on a spiritual battleground, not an earthly playground, spiritual defeat will inevitably happen and that quickly. And seven easily detected signs of a defeated Christian are no joy in the Lord, succumbing to life’s pressures, no delight in the things of the Lord, living by circumstances instead of eternal purpose, spirits of discontent and complaining, and seeking fulfillment in the things of the world.

So, how do we not fall prey to the patterns of this world? How do we prevent looking and acting like unbelievers who are stressed, worried, anxiety-riddled, and looking for comfort in this world? The answer is actually simple. Yes, simple to state, difficult to live, but necessary to live if we want to be Biblically separate from the world and enjoy the Lord. The answer is today’s theme – stop, ponder, pray.

First, stop – “Be still.” This means refuse to start the day in the fast lane of life. Don’t hit the snooze button for five more minutes, then roll out of bed and hit the day running with all we have to do. Starting the day like that or any other similar fashion of not meeting with the Lord ensures a spiritual “crash and burn” sometime during the day. And repeated “crashes and burns” produce a backslider. It has been said, ‘If we are too busy for God, we are too busy.’ Neglect starting the day seeking Him who made the day, and all we have done is set ourselves up to be spiritually defeated throughout the day. Yes life is full, busy, and stressful because, as I mentioned in the opening paragraph, we live on a spiritual battleground, not on an earthly playground. Ignore seeking the face of God, and we walk into today’s battles unprepared and easy prey for the devil, the world, and the flesh. Spiritual neglect is the number one cause of Christians lying on the spiritual battleground of this life as casualties of war.

Next, ponder – “know that I am God.” If we want to keep from drowning in the sea of a busy life, we must take time to meditate upon our God. We cannot just lift up a quick burst of prayer for help and rush into our day. We need time to “behold our God.” There are three areas to ponder about God which will protect us and enable us to live above circumstances for His glory. First, ponder His sovereignty. He is in charge of everything and that includes every single circumstance, situation, and relationship in our lives. Learn to see Him ruling over all things and we are well on our way to successful Christian living. The second area; ponder His love. Everything which will come into our lives today is coming from the hand of our heavenly Father. Even the tough things. Learn to see every circumstance and situation through the lens of His love and we will not conform to the world’s patterns of stress and anxiety. A third area to ponder of our God is His purpose for us. As life unfolds with all the “stuff”, keep in mind what God is doing in all of our circumstances and situations – making us like His Son. This, too, will help us see beyond the seen and live joyfully in a tough world.

The third step in not conforming to the world is pray – “know that I am God.” The most important spiritual discipline and privilege a Christian and church may do is pray. It and the Bible are God’s means of knowing Him. And it is growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus through prayer and the Word that equips us to live in a chaotic world under His control. Prayer is the key to all that ails and challenges us. That is the area the devil will attack the most. A prayer-less Christian and church produce defeated Christians and churches. And it is prayer to know God.

So, let’s not allow the world rule our lives. We don’t have to be busy and stressed like the world. Stop, ponder, pray. These simple spiritual disciplines will prevent us from being shaped into the image of the world and allow us to send forth the light of the world, the Lord Jesus.

PRAYER: “Father, forgive me for the many times I rush into the things of the day without seeking You who made the day.”

QUOTE: “Neglect time with the Lord and in no time, we will be spiritual casualties in the war God has called us to fight”