Starting Sunday, September 27, we are shifting back to a single morning worship service at 10:30 AM. This service will continue to be livestreamed on Sermon Audio for all those unable to attend. Please note the new time if you plan to watch the stream and go to our page or homepage. Also resuming this Sunday are: Sunday School and ABF at 9:00 AM, the full Nursery schedule, Children’s Church, and observance of the sacrament of Communion. Please continue to read for more information.
Worship Service
The morning worship will also be livestreamed to the Fellowship Hall and the Berean Room. The Fellowship Hall will be set aside for those who desire to wear a mask during the worship service, and be in a room where everyone is wearing a mask. If you attend in Fellowship Hall please wear your mask for the duration of the service. The Berean room will be used for overflow seating, similar to the balcony.
Entering and Seating
We ask that everyone continue to wear a mask when entering and departing the building. The pews are now marked with two different checkerboard seating patterns. The pattern on the left is the same, the pattern has been changed to accommodate families of one to three. We recommend that our senior saints arrive early for preferred seating. Additional seating has been added in the rear of the auditorium, but latecomers will be be ushered to the balcony or the Berean Room if there are no slots available on the main floor.
Sunday School and ABF
Also starting Sunday, September 27, our Adult Bible Fellowship classes and children’s Sunday School classes are shifting back to in-person meetings at 9 AM each Sunday. Our Nursery will be open during both the 9 AM ABF hour and the 10:30 AM service, and we will have Children’s Church each Sunday during the 10:30 AM service.
We will continue to meet for prayer for one another, for our church, for our community, and for our nation at 6 PM each Sunday. The offering will continue to be accepted in the box on the back wall or at the office or by mail or online. And we expect to observe the Lord’s Supper this Sunday with significantly modified procedures.
Because of Him,
Pastor Jim and the Elders
Hebrews 10:23